Consultation live he Result of the National Lottery raffleSaturday, March 1, and know the award -winning numbers.
When can I collect the National Lottery draw award?
From tomorrow same, March 2, the winners in the National Lottery draw may go to the lottery administrations oa las Banking entities To collect your awards. However, it should be remembered that today’s raffle awards, March 2, They expire within three monthsso it is convenient not to take charge.
How much money does the awards of the National Lottery Awards stay?
The money that remains the awards of the National Lottery draw awards depends on the amount that is won. If the award exceeds 40,000 eurosHacienda takes a 20%while the prize is less, everything falls to the graceful.
Where has the second prize of the National Lottery raffle, March 1?
As for the second prize of the National Lottery draw, the number 91469graceful with 12,000 euros to the tenthhas fallen distributed in the following Administrations:
– Real, 51, in Órgiva (Granada).
– Miguel Hernández, 10, in Alcalá la Real (Jaén).
– Avda. De Oza, 152 bass, in A Coruña (A Coruña).
– New, 13, in Cartaya (Huelva).
Where has the first prize of the National Lottery raffle, March 1?
The first prize of the National Lottery raffle, the number 51343graceful with 60,000 euros to the tenthhas fallen to the following Administrations:
– Avda. Rafael Cabrera, 26, in Las Palmas (Las Palmas) Avda. Rafael Cabrera, 26
– UNIO, 1, in Torres de Segre (Lleida).
– Concepción Arenal, 210, in Barcelona (Barcelona).
– Avda. Los Schoolchildren, esq. c/ oven, in Pulpí (Almería).
– Avda. Diputación, 80, in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz).
– Playa Nº2, in Sandedon (Guadalajara).
– Avda. De Malaga, 52 Loc 1, in Ronda (Málaga).
– Avda. Extremadura, 56, in Santiponce (Seville).
– Avda. Count Savartierra, 9, in Fontanars dels Alforins (Valencia).
– Cuenca Tramoyeres, 2, in Valencia (Valencia).
These are all the award -winning numbers of the National Lottery raffle, March 1
The National Lottery draw this Saturday, March 1, 2025, has just finished. We review all awarded numbers:
– First prize: 51343, awarded 60,000 euros to the tenth.
– Second prize: 91469, awarded 12,000 euros to the tenth.
– Four figures: 9983, 2697, 7741 and 4530, awarded 150 euros to the tenth.
– Three figures: 579, 491, 223, 800, 208, 365, 905, 679, 044 and 285, awarded 30 euros to the tenth.
– Two figures: 77, 54, 73, 61, 63, 36, 69, 28 and 14, awarded 12 euros to the tenth.
– Reintegros: 3, 0 and 4, awarded 6 euros to the tenth.
Reintegros of the National Lottery raffle today, March 1
Finally, the Reintegros of the National Lottery draw this Saturday, March 1, awarded 6 euros to the tenth. These are 3, 0 and 4. Congratulations to all winners!
The first prize of the National Lottery draw, March 1
He First prize From the draw of the National Lottery today has already left. This is 51343 and is awarded with 60,000 euros to the tenth600,000 euros to the series.
The number 51343 has been sold in the provinces of Las Palmas, Sevilla, Madrid, Malaga and Cádiz.
The second prize of the today’s Lottery draw, March 1
He second prize From the draw on Saturday, March 1, 2025, just left. Is the number and is awarded with 12,000 euros to the tenththat is, 120,000 euros to the series.
The number 91469 has been sold in the provinces of Jaén, A Coruña, Granada and Huelva.
The four -digit extractions of the national lottery raffle today, March 1
The extractions of Four figuresawarded with 150 euros to the tenth and 1,500 euros the series. These are:
The first extraction is 9983
The second is 2697
The third is 7741
The fourth is 4530
The three -digit extractions of the National Lottery raffle, March 1
The extractions of last three figures of the tenth are awarded with 30 euros to the tenththat is, 300 euros the series. These are:
The first extraction is 579
The second is 491
The third is 223
The fourth is 800
The fifth is 208
The sixth is 365
The seventh is 905
The eighth is 679
The ninth is 044
The tenth is 285
The two -digit extractions of the National Lottery raffle, March 1, 2025
The first numbers to leave correspond to last two figures of the tenth and are awarded with 12 euros to the tenththat is, 120 euros the series. These are:
The first extraction is 77
The second is 54
The third is 73
The fourth is 61
The fifth is 63
The sixth is 36
The seventh is 69
The eighth is 28
The novena is 14
The draw of the National Lottery of today, March 1, 2025 begins!
The ordinary draw of the National Lottery this Saturday, March 1, He just started. The balls are entering the drums and everything is prepared for the first awarded numbers. Maximum emotion!
Only 5 minutes to begin the National Lottery draw on Saturday, March 1, 2025
Everything is ready to begin the ordinary draw of the National Lottery this Saturday, March 1, 2025. They are just missing five minutes so that lotías and bets of the state begin to distribute prizes. The draw will begin in just five minutes, to 13:00 hours. We wish you good luck!
When is the next draw of the National Lottery?
This Saturday, March 1, 2025, an ordinary draw was held. The next raffle will take place Thursday, March 6when they will put themselves at stake 21 million euros…
What probability is there to win an award from the National Lottery raffle, March 1?
One of the questions that most ask the National Lottery draw participants is how probability There is a prize. In the case of First prizethe probability is minimal, of only 1 between 100,000. However, the probability of being graceful with a pinch of money is greater in the case of others Minor Awards. For example, hit 2 figures of the winning combination has a probability of 1 between 11while for the extractions of 3 figures It is from 1 between 100 and for those of 4 figures It is from 1 between 2,500.
When was the first draw of the National Lottery?
The National Lottery is one of the oldest games in Spain. The first raffle of this type was held in the year 1763when King Carlos III He established the so -called ‘Royal Lottery’, although he had to spend almost half a century for the current raffle to arrive. Specifically, it was in the year 1812 when the first raffle in history was celebrated. The old real lottery then called National Primitive Lottery.
How much do the tenths of the National Lottery draw?
The minimum participation to play in the National Lottery draw is the tenth. A tenth is the tenth of a ticket and the corresponding award is the tenth of the ticket to the ticket. He price of the tenth varies depending on the lottery. Today, as it is an ordinary draw, it costs 6 euros. However, in extraordinary draws such as the Christmas Lottery the price is higher.
What time begins the raffle of the National Lottery of today, March 1?
The raffles of the National Lottery on Saturdays begin the 13:00 hours. In a timely manner, the drums of the Lotteries and State Betting Hall begin to turn. In the case of ordinary draws, its approximate duration is 20 minutesso at 1:20 p.m. all the numbers and tenth winners will be known.
What is the minimum age to participate in a national lottery raffle?
The National Lottery raffles depend directly on Lotteries and State Betting (LAE), an agency that, in turn, belongs to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. According to the regulation of this type of draws, the minimum age to participate is 18 years.
Today’s Lottery draw awards, March 1
The National Lottery draw this Saturday, March 1, 2025, is an ordinary draw. Therefore, it will distribute the following awards:
– First prize: 60,000 euros to the tenth, 600,000 to the series.
– Second prize: 12,000 euros to the tenth, 120,000 to the series.
– Ultimate four figures: 150 euros to the tenth, 1,500 to the series.
– Last three figures: 30 euros, 300 to the series.
– Last two figures: 12 euros, 120 to the series.
– Reintegros: 6 euros.
The coverage of the today’s Lottery raffle begins, March 1
Good afternoon and welcome to the coverage of a new ordinary draw of the National Lottery. The draw this Saturday, March 1, 2025will start at 13:00 hours and will put into play 42 million euros. From this same moment, at ABC we will inform you of everything you need to participate and know all the award -winning numbers. We start!
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