The Feder European Funds monitoring committee has evaluated the “progress” of the 2021-2027 operational program, in which Ceuta autonomy will receive another 32 million euros for several projects.
The Minister of Finance, Economic Transition and Digital Transformation of the Government of Ceuta, Kissy Chandiramani (PP)has presided over the meeting of the Coordination Committee of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).
In statements to the media, Kissy Chandiramani has highlighted the importance of this annual meeting, in which they are analyzed “The achievements, the pending challenges and the necessary strategies to expedite the execution“Of the projects included in the program.
In this sense, he stressed that the Feder allocates a total of 32 million euros to Ceuta, divided into four strategic axesthe first of them of digitalization, with initiatives aimed at strengthening the digital ecosystem of the city, supporting emerging companies and promoting business investments in the technological sector.
The second axis is that of Climate change and green economywith special attention to the end of the northern sanitation collector; The third axis is the training and employmentby expanding the construction school; and the fourth axis is relative to Sustainable urban mobilitywith investments aimed at improving green mobility.
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