The Business Coordinating Council (CCE) called on the INE and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) to assign the plurinominal seats that allow for democratic balance and do not have an overrepresentation of Morena and its allies.
“What is at stake in this decision is the preservation of democratic balance, respect for the popular vote and, therefore, the political representation of the country. That is the spirit that, from our perspective, must prevail in terms of allocation and over-representation limits,” said the institution headed by Francisco Cervantes.
The announcement was made days before the electoral authorities determine the allocation of plurinominal seats in the Chamber of Deputies.
If the INE applies the rule as it did in 2021, the Morena, PT and PVEM coalition would get 364 of the 500 Deputies, that is, they would have more than 334 seats, which is two-thirds of the Chamber, which would allow them to approve constitutional reforms on their own.
The Opposition questions the idea that Morena and its allies want to have almost 75 percent of the seats when they only received 54 percent of the votes at the polls.
“Proportional representation is a mechanism for ensuring political pluralism and ensuring that minorities are duly represented in the legislature,” the CCE said in a statement.
#CCE #asks #INE #limit #Morena #Congress