The pressures have had an effect. Casa de América has decided to suspend this Sunday afternoon the ‘cinema and memory: the voice of the people and the struggle for sovereignty’, scheduled for March 17, 18 and 14 and included the broadcast of up to three films that made apology of the Chavista regime. All this, after ABC’s Saturday complaint, which echoed the news, and also the complaints of this weekend the community and the Madrid City Council.
“The scheduled film cycle in the House of America by the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Spain for March 17, 18 and 24 has been suspended,” said the Public Consortium, which is also part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a statement through the social network X without giving major explanations.
The Regional Executive as the Consistory of the Capital have issued two letters to the director of this institution, León de la Torre, with just 24 hours apart. The first to denounce the issuance of the feature films was the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Mariano de Paco. He did it on Saturday with a letter, to which ABC had access, in which he asked De the Tower to “defend democracy and freedom.” The government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso referred specifically two of the films, ‘Operation Orion’ and ‘The battle of the bridges’, considering that they suppose “a perverse attempt to bleach and exalt the Chavista regime”, which, “attentive daily against human rights in Venezuela.”
Yesterday came the second complaint from the Madrid City Council that currently directs the popular José Luis Martínez-Almeida. The vice mayor. Immaculate Sanz, also demanded not projecting these films because they “exalt a dictatorship” and are “propaganda” of the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. «Enlighten or bleach a dictatorship like the one currently governed in Venezuela is in the opposite sense for the foundational purposes of the house. It is unacceptable that a public diplomacy institution such as Casa de América serves as a platform for the dissemination of propaganda films of a dictatorial regime such as that of Nicolás Maduro ”, has also transmitted the spokesman of the municipal government in another letter that also has this newspaper.
«Casa de América has a duty to promote the values of democracy and freedom, not to lend itself to propaganda maneuvers that only benefit a bloodthirsty dictatorship and its accomplices. Therefore, he urge you to reconsider this program and take the appropriate measures to ensure that Casa de América does not become a speaker of authoritarianism, ”Sanz reminds him.
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