-No. I record on a very steep street and the use of gym. I go up and down. It is a metaphor of life. And I take care of my diet, yes.
-It’s the essence of my childhood. Athletic is a very clear reference of the Biscay Society of the 60s, when I was born, in which I had players like Sáez, Iríbar, Red or Arieta. It is the symbol of union of very different people: Euskaldunes and not Eskaldunes, people of the right and left, rich and poor and we have all agreed on that: Athletic. In little or nothing more.
-I remember that it makes you happy, associated with your colors.
-The first time I went to old San Mamés. I would be 17 years old. The old stadium was not precisely beautiful. I was in one of the stands, everyone standing, and seeing the players in the field excited me. And it made me a southern or northern sour fan, because I couldn’t afford more.
-It some special party?
-To the privilege of seeing an Athletic-Liverpool of the European Cup, which beat us 0-1, after drawing there. I was behind the goal of Zubizarreta. When I saw the chut with effect to the squad, it impressed me. They are memories of having a great time, with friends, shouting “Athletic, Athletic”, eating potato tortilla snacks and with the wine boot.
-You had three members of Madrid: from Madrid, Atleti and Athletic Club.
-They are still coexisting. My team is Athletic, but I have a tremendous love of the other two. I love football. For me, going to a game is like going to a concert by Paul McCartney. I thought that if I was a member, I could see my team every time I came to Madrid and, in addition, witness good matches.
-What do you admire so much from Atlético?
-It is the identity of the city, it is a symbol of union, it represents overcoming, the struggle and, sometimes, of undeserved misfortune, which also has a part of poetry. And cool. I am poetic.
-And Real Madrid?
-For the victories, it has a consideration of strength, intensity, of faith. It is a team that, goes through the circumstances that pass and have the players you have, has the same spirit of believing in itself, which is commendable. Hence the comebacks, who only have them.
-A tad out of orbit with the statement and complaints for a red play, right?
-If there is something that equals all are the complaints to the arbitration and federative estate. And I understand them. You are playing the league or the descent, in the background you play something. Your result not only depends on you, when you see unfair things, protests. It doesn’t matter Betis, that Athletic, than Celta, than Madrid.
-Can the Athletic think about winning a league?
-It is impossible. Athletic Club has a wonderful quarry care philosophy, but it limits you a lot. Not all promotions offer you generations of soccer players as much quality as it is having now. There will come a time when anxiety. And then, you have to think that there are great players like Nico Williams who, in the end, his temptation is going to teams fighting for the Champions League. You will lose value. This trying to win a league is very complicated.
-I call him a reality.
-Hubo an Athletic, from Etxeberria and Julen Guerrero, who in the 90s was runner -up and it already seemed a miracle. Winning it is very difficult. We have no conditions for that. And neither does hiring foreigners guarantee it. The Real follows an intermediate policy and that does not use it either. While Madrid, Barça or Atleti is impossible.
-What is going to do Athletic this season?
-I see you capable of enduring among the top four. There is only one position for Champions. The other three are awarded. His templates are sidereal. Now there is no cup. I feel sorry, because I wanted another end but, on the other hand, I’m glad. Because we have a fair template. Hopefully they maintain the motivation for the Europa League final, which is in San Mamés. It is very complicated. But the same yes to the semifinals. And then, it will have been a season to frame.
-Any opinion about the conflict with the animation stands?
-That’s stand is very diverse, very plural, in every way. It is unequivocally Proathletic, but there are many things around. And some are leaving the perola. There is a pulse between the institution and part of its fans, which does not finish reaching a good channel. The players have complained, and I believe that rightly, because if some want to cheer up they can not restrain that right. And since we are not sure that sports should be above any other consideration, in the end we end up facing. It makes me sad. I guess it will be fixed before or later, but you have to be attentive.
-To bothers us all. Even the ninots are we losing sense of humor?
-Are time we are more antagonists. The country is a bit thin. In football too. I believe that, in a fault, humor gives a white sieve and respect that you should not bother yourself. They get a ninot with a huge eyebrow and championship ears and I will not say that they are getting into me.
-Who lifts the eyebrow Ancelotti or you?
-It’s that they imitate me. Zapatero started. Then Ancelotti. But what is this? A respect for intellectual and author property rights. I have to say to Carlo, that I don’t touch my noses lifting my eyebrow.
-Will it be told when the league wins or can there be skate?
-It can have skate, yes. The moment of Madrid is very curious, he has not just found a game pattern and injuries. I do not understand that a central this winter has not been hired. You are with Asencio, Rudiger and Alaba, which still has to be 100%. I don’t see Tchool as a central one.
-Do you go to Barça champion?
-It’s also very curious. Suddenly he puts you five, which loses the matches of two by two. The Atleti does seem more regular, except the stumbling of the Leganés.
-I remember that he is not a partner of Leganés.
-In effect, but I will be. Besides, he plays very well.
#Carlos #Sobera #Ancelotti #touch #noses #lifting #eyebrow