The expected christmas advertisement Campofrío 2024 has not disappointed the nostalgic. In the ‘spot’, titled ‘Identiqué’, the brand of sausages and meat products reminds us that, despite the changes and revolutions, Spain is nothing other than its people.
«Identity, they call it, that which no one else can berecognize ourselves in the other. “It’s what makes you know where you are no matter how big the enemy is,” the ad claims.
The plot is simple. From Heaven, the most iconic and beloved stars of Spain – such as Sara Montiel either Flabby– they prepare to go down to Earth for a day. However, when four of them are finally chosen as a ‘squad’ to visit us (Miguel Gila, Gloria Fuertes, José Luis López Vázquez and Francisco de Quevedo), they do not recognize the streets, shops or theaters of Spain.
And the people? The people are very recognizable. “The young people helped me when they saw me lost,” admits López Vázquez; “A family invited us to eat,” remembers Quevedo; “They told us that there would always be room for one more,” says Gloria Fuertes; “…and In the midst of chaos, they made me smile. “With the one I was falling,” says Gila, excited.
Among the other honorees are Isabel la Católica, Eugenio, Luis de Góngora, Saint Teresa of Jesús, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Estrellita Castro and Francisco de Goya.
The exciting and nostalgic ad ends with Campofrío’s motto: “Let nothing and no one take away our way of enjoying life.”
#Campofríos #Christmas #advertisement #vindicates #Spanish #heritage #Identity