Pilates, strength routine, ‘Aquagym’ …, today there are many techniques that help us stay in shape and protect our health. Nevertheless, There is a discipline that has gained a lot of popularityIn fact, we have already seen several ‘celebrities’ of Spain practicing it, such as Penelope Cruz, at 50. The truth is that from this age the practice of exercise becomes essential, since the beginning of menopause, when different symptoms are experienced: loss of muscle mass, bone weakening, weight gain, and even increases the risk of suffering certain diseases. Yoga is ideal to reduce these conditionsAttentive to these asanas!
Yoga has become the favorite choice of many women, and rightly, the advantages it offers are endless, especially if we refer menopause. However, many times it is difficult to start in this world, we do not know where to start. But don’t worry, because there is a specialist who has revealed The keys to implement it in our routine. This is Pau Tedeschi, known in networks such as @boticiayoga. These are your favorite positions.
What are the basic yoga positions?

Yoga covers multiple positions and on many occasions it is difficult to choose. For this reason we offer you a small list of those recommended by the instructor, perfect for “work in force, flexibility, but especially in body consciousness“, He writes on his Instagram profile. So if you are a rookie in this world, these are the Asanas that Pau would do, he said:” If I were starting in Yoga for the first time these are the positions that would pay more attention. ”
We start with the postures of the warriors“That they give you a lot of body awareness about the position of your legs, hips and shoulders.” Another example is that of flexion positions, anyone who is forward. Among them include the seated clamp or the great angle. But above all, The specialist highlights work in sequences, Like the greeting to the sun, “where I can start practicing in my breathing, but in motion,” he concludes. Practicing this discipline can offer great benefits in female health, and more when we talk about menopause.
Is yoga for menopause?

We know that from 50 there is a decrease in estrogen levels and the cessation of menstruation. That is, menopause has begun, and with it certain effects are presented in the female organism: From the hot flashes to the weakening of the boneswho can result in osteoporosis-, or weight gain, among others. In this sense, it has been shown that Yoga practice can be very significant During this phase.
The ‘yoga’ e ‘influencer’ in this discipline has revealed some of the advantages that this technique can offer. “Yoga postures can help maintain flexibility and muscle strength, counteracting the physical changes associated with this stage,” he says on its official website. In addition, we talk about a discipline that promotes relaxation and reduces stresssomething fundamental, since menopause also affects the psychological level. In this way, “it relieves common emotional and psychological symptoms at this time, such as anxiety and depression,” he adds.
Some asanas or postures that are recommended They include the posture of the tree, the posture of the bridge and the posture of the cat-vaca. Among other things, the professional points out that yoga can relieve physical symptoms (suffocation, insomnia, fatigue and joint pain): “Circulation, strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility and calming the nervous system” can be improved, helping to reduce hormonal imbalances. Other benefits that emphasize are:
- Stress management and emotional improvement. When hormonal changes can cause emotional ups and downs, yoga can be especially beneficial to “improve mood, promote relaxation and promote emotional stability.”
- Bone strengthening. With the decrease in estrogen levels, women experience a decrease in bone density, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Yoga, especially those postures in which there is greater muscle work can help strengthen bones and improve bone health.
- Improvement of sleep quality. Insomnia is another common symptom during menopause. The relaxation and meditation techniques found in this discipline can help improve sleep quality and promote adequate rest.
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