They were friends, then they were a couple and now they return to the exit box. The exmodel Blanca Solaves and the businessmanJoaquín Güell have broken by surprise after three years of a relationship The most discreet, a silence now replicated in its separation.
This has revealed ‘Loc’ without the couple having even opened their mouths to confirm or deny it. As explained by the media, both have decided to end the story Fruit of the “wear” of the relationshipand “not for third parties”, something that always speculates when this kind of news appears that almost nobody wants to give.
According to couple sources consulted by ‘Loc’, the relationship has ended in a calm way and «The rupture has been friendly». Thus concludes a story that has not prospered despite having a story of a story: two people who know each other, cultivate a good friendship and then decide to take another step to place it at another level. But love has not triumphed.
A friendship for years ago
The relationship between Blanca Souves and Joaquín Güell was made public in 2022. They knew each other since adolescencewith relatives in common even, although it was not until three years ago when it was learned that they had begun to leave after strengthening and starting to spend a lot of time sharing hobbies and day to day. Thus, it was relatively easy to see them in the cinema or sharing a dinner between luxury tablecloths.
At that time, The exmodel had just separated from her husbandIoannes Osorio, after 25 years of marriage and two children in common, a moment in which she took refuge in which the family and friends. And one of his most estimable support was that of the entrepreneur.
Financiero and director of an investment fund, Joaquín Güell had a very attractive lifestyle for Sueves Blanca and say he is also a great conversationalist. Both shared hobbies like golf and movies, and his link was consolidated over time until he gave way to love.
Will your friendship be affected?
They would be seen together in different events and social meetings. For example, in things as diverse as Inés Sastre’s 50th birthday or at the funeral of Fernando Gómez-Acebo or his brother, Juan Gómez-Acebo, or in goodbye to businessman Juan Miguel Villar-Mir. But they always did it under a discretion profile.
Before leaving Blanca Souves, Joaquín Güell was married for 17 years with the deputy of the Popular Party Cayetana Álvarez de Toledowith which he has two daughters in common. Then he maintained a sound romance with the television presenter Susanna Grisowhen he separated from his ex -husband, producer Carles Torras. And then Blanca Souves arrived, also with an unsuccessful outcome.
«Now that they have ended their history, they begin a new stage in their lives, yes, separately. But will your friendship be affected? Time will say», Explains the magazine‹ Hello! ›, Aware of the erosions caused by each break.
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