Big mama just performed, but few understood what her song means. Here's what the artist was forced to endure and what she discovered when she was only 20 years old
She suffered, but she took her revenge and today Big Mama is different. Here's the meaning of her song and why it's so important
Big Mama she is one of the competing singers who struck the audience with a lyric full of meaning, the song entitled Anger is not enough for you. Already last year the rapper took the stage at the Ariston to accompany Elodie in a duet. And now she, instead, competes with the Bigs.
It was she who revealed the meaning of her song, important and profound for her:
It's a song that closes a circle for me. I felt the need to dedicate something to the “me” of the past who needed so much love and attention. I want to live this experience in the best possible way, because I admit that I like to be looked at. And I won't let stress ruin it for me
With the words of the song, Big Mama talks about her transformation and her redemption today, compared to a suffering past, made up of violence and personal crises:
Credit: bigmamaalmic – Instagram
Look at me, now I'm someone else, anger isn't enough for you
Was victim of bullying, of teasing because of his weight. She suffered, she closed herself off, she couldn't accept herself, but today she is someone else. Today Big Mama has become a symbol of body positivity and she is proud of herself. Today she uses her music to reach people's hearts and send important messages. Because even with an imperfect body, she can live, be happy, sing and dance. You can be appreciated and respected. And what gives her strength are the many messages of thanks from all those girls and women, who after seeing a photo of the singer with a top or a short dress, decide to do the same, telling her that before her example, yes they were hidden for years.
Credit: bigmamaalmic – Instagram
In the competitor's life, there was also another pain and it was she who revealed it. Big Mama discovered she had a cancer when he was only 20 years old. She underwent 12 cycles of chemo and today, that unpleasant experience has made her even stronger.