Behcet’s disease or syndrome is a very rare type of multisystem, chronic and relapsing vasculitis that is characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels in the body. Symptoms are highly variable and sometimes seem unrelated. This disease has no cure and treatment consists of administering the necessary medication so that the symptoms are as benign as possible and serious consequences such as loss of vision can be avoided. It can appear in adulthood, especially between 20 and 30 years old, but also in adolescence or childhood.
Causes of Behçet’s disease
Possible autoimmune disease
Many aspects of Behcet’s disease are still unknown, but it appears that it may be an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body’s own immune system attacks healthy cells in your body without knowing why. The symptoms are related to widespread vasculitis in various parts of the body. Vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessels. Behçet’s disease is also related to genes. Some people may have a specific gene that is damaged and predisposes them to suffer from this condition. The trigger can also be a bacteria or a virus.
Symptoms of Behçet’s disease
Symptoms are very variable
The symptoms of Behçet’s disease are very diverse and can be very different between people who have the disease. Furthermore, they can appear and disappear without a specific identifiable pattern. Depending on the affected area, there are usually some symptoms or others. There are some parts of the body more likely to be affected.
– The mouth can present various sores (thrush) that usually heal in a couple of weeks.
– On the genitals, the sores that appear cause a lot of pain.
– Sores also appear on the skin. The preferred place is the lower part of the legs.
– The eyes may also be affected and become inflamed causing pain (uveitis).
– Swelling in the joints.
– Problems in the brain due to inflammation that causes headaches.
– Arterial inflammation.
– Diarrhea and vomiting due to inflammation in the digestive system.
Diagnosis of Behçet’s disease
Study of symptoms
There is no test that can prove that a patient has Behçet’s disease. The doctor must study the symptoms to reach this conclusion. Still, it helps to have the results of blood tests, urine tests, and tests to identify allergies. An ophthalmological examination is also performed to identify if uveitis is present and a positive pathergy test is performed to check if the immune system overreacts to a minor injury.
Treatment and medication of Behçet’s disease
It has no cure
There is currently no treatment that eliminates the disease, so we must focus on eliminating the symptoms as much as possible. For this, creams for sores and eye drops can be used. In more severe cases, corticosteroids are prescribed to keep inflammation under control. These medications have side effects such as weight gain, heartburn, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. It is also common to prescribe medications that cause the immune system to mistakenly attack healthy cells.
Prevention of Behçet’s disease
It can’t be prevented
It is an autoimmune disease about which many things are still unknown, including knowing what prevention method would be effective.
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