The Aesthetic medicine A real boom lives in Spain, and this has caused a considerable increase in bad praxis, also partly due to the influence of social networks. The Site (Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine) denounces that 65% of the procedures are carried out by unqualified professionalsand that 20% are made in non -regulated beauty centers, hairdressers and even homes. In order to alert about the danger of undergoing a treatment of aesthetic medicine in an unauthorized center and the importance of informing itself well, the SEME has launched a informative campaign through the site Your face no longer sounds to me. This website offers clear and concise information so that anyone learns to identify the usual mechanisms of bad praxis in aesthetic medicine.
Physical appearance has acquired in recent years a great prominence at all ages. All, men and women, we want to look better, more handsome and younger. In fact, according to an independent perception study promoted by the SAME, 47% of the population has undergone an aesthetic medical technique on occasion. The problem is that many people are not aware that botox, putting hyaluronic acid or high intensity radio frequency are aesthetic and non -aesthetic medical effrequency.

Your face does not sound to me, the dissemination campaign of the SIME.
All aesthetic medical treatments a doctor must do them at an authorized clinic (U48 device, the license that identifies that it is an authorized center) because, as the doctor explains Sergio Fernández MesaSecond Vice President of the Sime, «it is a medical act, that is, it requires a previous study, to open a medical history of the patient, just like you go to the cardiologist. For example, if I’m going to do a Lip increaseI need to know the family history, in case there are problems of immunity or herpes lipstick, because contraindications may arise and we must monitor the patient. Any medical act has associated risks, in aesthetic medicine there are, so you have to go to a clinic ».
Social networks can lead to misinformation
Social networks are, in part, responsible, for the banalization of aesthetic medicine. On the one hand, it is encouraged to follow fashions and trends, such as the ‘Foxy Eyes’ or the Russian lips, which result in identical faces. On the other hand, non -medical profiles become a reference on aesthetic medicine for their followers. The doctor Juan Antonio López López-CitalúaPresident of the SIME, he points out that “many of these contents draw medical procedures such as simple and harmless but, in wrong hands, they put patient safety in check.”
Hairdressers or beauty centers are not authorized for aesthetic medical practices
It is surprising that according to the study of the SIME, 20% of aesthetic medicine treatments are made In hairdressers, beauty centers or even private homes. But the doctor Petra VegaTreasurer of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine, has revealed that there are still more rocambolesque sites: «On cruises, in back rooms And the most serious case that is prosecuted, In the cafeterias sinks. The latter has happened in various parts of Spain ». The profile of patients who come to places like that, according to the doctor, is very disparate, but in general they are “people with low resources or those who have an addictive profile, who feel the impulse of making treatments that a doctor denies them.”
According to doctors, up to 15 % of the first visits registered in the SEMs are of patients who arrive with adverse effectswhich are the result of processes carried out in unauthorized centers.
The black market of aesthetic medicine products
In addition, there is another problem they warn: the Use of unauthorized productswhich arrive through the black market. The Offers They are an alert signal, because according to Dr. Petra Vega “when prices lower it can be because it puts less quantity or because the product comes from the black market.” And this is precisely another of the risks of aesthetic medicine, not all botulinum toxins or hiluaronic acids are equal, in Spain there is a black market of these products, which can compromise patients’ health. «It is necessary know the traceability of what we inject, since if it has not been preserved at a correct temperature, there may be risks. The patient should know what they have put, ”warns Dr. Fernández Mesa.
Finally, Dr. Fernández Mesa has also emphasized the need for «Respect the times of each productotherwise, there may also be a health risk, just as it happens with any medication if it is taken more than scheduled ».
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