From J Jekyll to Mr Hyde. Of defensive indolence to heroic triumph. In Barça there are no half half. An excessively individualistic game condemned the Barca again to suffer in front of a Casademont Zaragoza with a lot of trade and, only in the end, the Blessed American Trinity (Pinter, Parker and Metu scored 25 of the 29 points in the last quarter), rescued the team based on pure talent. A tachycardic triumph that does not help calm the sensations in the team, although it moves the ghosts of staying out of the playoffs for the league title.
Again another first quarter without consistency left Barça helpless in defense. The Zaragoza walked over and over again on the Barça ring (Barça received 32 points in the area in the first half), which fit 27 goals (52 at rest). He played to win Barça above 100 points, dispensed with in many moments of defensive intensity and surviving for the delivery of the unusual Sarr (10) and Fall (12) at the beginning. It was a match to make rotations and protected everything that Peñarroya could Peñaya, who did not play the first two rooms, but seeing that the disadvantage was 10 points (42-52) had to rectify.
Sulejmanovic, Dubljevic, Yusta and a formidable spissu in the triple kept Zaragoza
In the third quarter Brizuela and Abrines threatened to cut distances, but Sulejmanovic, Dubljevic, Yusta and a formidable Spissu in the triple left nine to Barça at the beginning of the last manga (68-77).
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Roberto Rodríguez
Without margin of error, there was American conclave. Pinter (10), Parker (14) and Metu (16) asked for the ball and threw the team behind their backs. Among them they cooked a huge comeback. With 25 of the 29 points of the team in the room, they beat a Zaragoza who never lost his options. A providential cap of Parker less than a minute sentenced the duel (97-95).
There were no conflicts in the stands, although Josep Cubells was present again at the Palau Blaugrana
With an intermittent defense but with quality and talent in abundance, Barça granted during much of the meeting, but when he needed it was able to avoid another bullet. On this occasion there were no conflicts in the stands, despite the fact that Josep Cubells was present again in a Palau Blaugrana that vibrated with the final victory of his team.
For its part, the Joventut cut a three-game streak without winning against Lleida Hiots (81-86) thanks to a Tomic, author of 19 points, record. The Croatian player, who registered 27 assessment credits, entered the history of the greenish team by matching the American Corny Thompson as the foreigner with more games in the history of the club in the highest category of Spanish basketball (172). The Verdinegros are held in the positions that give access to the qualifiers for the title of the Endesa League.
In the premises, which will continue one more day in the lower zone of the classification even if outside the descent positions, Batemon (17), Walden (14).