Ayuso reverses course and will accept the 169 million from the Government to hire university professors

Reverse. Minutes before meeting with the rectors to talk about the “critical situation” of Madrid universities, the Madrid Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso has announced that it is rectifying its refusal to sign the María Goyri program – through which the Government will finance the incorporation of 656 doctor assistant professors in exchange for the Community doing the same with another 435 – and shows its willingness, he maintains, to adhere to the agreement.

“The will of the regional government is to sign this agreement with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the rectors of the Complutense, Autonomous, Polytechnic, Alcalá, Carlos III and Rey Juan Carlos universities to expand, rejuvenate and stabilize the staff of professors of these institutions with the creation of up to 1,100 new positions,” says the public note, although it introduces a but: the regional government criticizes that the program is too rigid for only thinking about a job figure (assistant doctor) and announces that “he is working on an alternative proposal for the agreement, which he will send to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities so that it can be signed by all parties as soon as possible.

The news surprised Minister Morant in the middle of a press conference of the Council of Ministers. Asked about the news, she replied that “the agreement is known to the Community of Madrid, it is signed with 16 communities, and what you have to do is sign, not dizzy. If you want to rectify it, do it truly and sign.” Sources from the ministry report that they are not going to change the agreement, they criticize that “the president who advocates for the equality of all Spaniards” wants her own version of the agreement and they affirm that they have not received any offer or alternative proposal from the community that , in any case, will not be accepted.

The regional governments have until tomorrow, Thursday, to sign the agreement and for it to take effect in 2024. If not – as has happened to Castilla y León – it will come into force from 2025.

The regional Executive had decided not to adhere to that agreement – ​​which was validated by the rest of the autonomous communities, including those of the PP – because it required it to commit its own funds and assume the Government’s share within six years. With the María Goyri program, the ministry offers to finance the creation of teaching positions for public universities in exchange for the regional executives taking charge of many others.

In the case of Madrid, the program contemplated the incorporation of 1,100 teachers in total. Of these, the Government will finance 656 places and the Community will complement it with the other 435. With this distribution, Moncloa was going to contribute 169 million euros for six years and Madrid will receive 112 million. In six years, when these contracts expire, the regional government will also have to take charge of the part that the ministry now finances.

The Ministry of Education has reported that it is “finalizing the signing of the agreement (…)”, although it then clarifies that “it is working to adapt it to the reality of the six public universities in the region.” The notice comes just 24 hours after the Minister of Universities, Diana Morant, reproached President Ayuso for being the only one who had not signed the agreement.

The community note reproaches the Government for “imposing hiring (…) a single teaching figure, that of Assistant Professor Doctor [la de inicio de la carrera académica]which according to the Madrid rectors themselves does not solve their staff problems and affects the temporality that they are trying to avoid. Furthermore, it may raise legal problems in the medium term, since it would be necessary to prioritize the stabilization of this figure ahead of other categories such as Full University Professor, Permanent Labor Professor or any other of those provided for in the university academic field,” he argues. .

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