Avoid processing caterpillars if you are going out with your dog: the ‘app’ that helps you dodge the areas where they are

During the winter months you have to take special care when we go for a walk to the park or the field with our dogs. We are in the middle of the pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoa Pityocampa) And although at first glance it may seem harmless, the truth is that the bite of the processionary is very harmful to the health of dogs.

This plague is easy to detect due to its characteristic way of moving. The pine processions always move in long rows and glued to each other. However, the caution must be taken since sometimes they are not so simple to locate. Sometimes caterpillars can be on the grass where they are distinguished worse. In any case, it is very unlikely to see only an isolated caterpillar.

As the name implies, the trees that we must avoid mainly are the pines and the places where there is greater concentration of them. If you want to further reduce the risks of poisoning in dogs and make sure, it is advisable to monitor the treetops in case any nest of this insect is signed. A clear sign of caterpillars is the presence of silky white bags in the branches, especially pines, fir trees and cedars.

On the other hand, although sometimes it is ideal that dogs run in conditioned and safe areas for them, during these months it is preferable to always take them with a strap in places where there may be risk.

The Civil Guard has issued an alert through the social network Tiktok in which they warn of the effects of these caterpillars on animals.

An app to avoid affected areas

There are some options to prevent possible poisoning in our pets and an option to avoid affected areas during your walks can be the application Doguify.

This appamong other functions, send real -time alerts with the help of other registered users to avoid the areas where there are processionary cabs or other possible risks. In addition, it designs alternative routes that will make you choose the right park and that, in this way, our canine friends relate to other dogs within the application community. Doguify is available for free both in Google Play For Android as in App Store For Apple devices.

Once we download the app, We will have the possibility of seeing why areas should not happen in order to prevent the presence of pine processing caterpillars. Keep in mind that it is possible to find them on the ground from January to April, or even later. In this period of time is when these procession -shaped insects, hence their particular name, descend from the trees in search of the soil to complete their life cycle and bury.

How to act before possible contact

Even if it is a matter of concern as it is a great threat to our four -legged friends, if your dog comes into contact with some caterpillar it is very important to keep calm and seek veterinary attention as soon as possible. This can make a difference in the recovery of the animal. From the first moment that he is in touch with the caterpillar, he prevents the tongue or throat from being laughed in case they are affected.

Remember that your great ally will be warm water. Faced with any suspicion of contact with the animal, the first thing you should do is wash the area with plenty of water since it helps inactivate toxin. You have to be careful not to rub when cleaning the area to try to remove any adhered hair.

In addition, as another preventive measure, you can use the water to wash surfaces such as banks, picnic tables and roads that could be contaminated with processionefter hair. This is particularly important in public parks and gardens. In this way, you can also help other dogs and their owners.

Symptoms in dogs after poisoning

The processionaries have thousands of stinging hairs whose toxin can cause an allergic reaction in both people and dogs, but in the case of the latter it is much more dangerous. When the dog comes into contact with those hairs, either by inhalation or direct contact with the skin, some of the symptoms can cause respiratory problems to anaphylactic shock. In the worst case, if it is not treated urgently, the intoxicated zone can necrose and if the throat is inflamed, it can cause the death of the animal.

Other symptoms, which can help the presence of caterpillars and a greater reaction to go to the veterinarian urgently, are the inflammation of the face and oral mucosa. Also another response from the animal to poisoning can be to shake the head or scrub it on the ground, gasp as a response to pain or salivate in excess. You can even observe that you cannot close your mouth due to the inflammation of the tongue.

Given these symptoms, he goes to the veterinarian urgently. However, it is advisable to extreme caution during these months and it can be very useful to speak previously with your veterinarian to give you some medication and explain how to administer it to the dog. Having it by hand if necessary can always help save the life of the animal.

Other preventive measures

In case of detecting a processing plague, you must contact the City Council of the infected town. Town Halls usually have programs and resources to manage and control the expansion of caterpillars.

Another case to consider is, if you have a private garden that letting your canines walk. When the garden trees are pines, fir trees or cedars, you must perform regular inspections in the tree branches or on the ground. To keep your garden free of processionary caps, make these reviews especially during the most active season.

A fact to keep in mind is that these nests are usually located in the most exposed branches to the sun. In case of seeing them, do not try to remove them for yourself. Manipulating nests can release the efficient hairs, which can be a risk for both your health and the dog.

You should always contact pest control professionals that are equipped to eliminate white bags guaranteeing everyone’s safety.

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