If you are looking for the board game Asmodee – Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy at a valid price, you should look no further because Amazon Italy has made a new offer available. The discount – compared to the recommended price – currently reported by the platform is 57%. Don't miss out on this promotion you just have to go to this pageor use the box you see below.
The product is shipped by MagicMerchant78 (86% positive reviews), which also indicates that the advised price is equal to €59.99. This makes the current promotion the best ever on the platform.
Asmodee – Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy
The Asmodee – Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy board game includes:
- Regulation
- 1 scoreboard
- 6 faction cards
- 2 battle discs
- 278 markers
- 1 dice
- 94 cards
It is meant for groups of 2-4 people and the games last on average 30 to 60 minutes. We can take control of four major factions, the Atreides, the Harkonnen, the Fremen and the Imperium. The aim is to gain control over the spice through battles.
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