The National Police He has arrested the chaplain of the Highlands El Encinar school in La Moraleja (Alcobendas), for alleged sexual assault on a student, as ABC has been able to know and confirmed the center itself. The victim is 6 years old. The arrested is Man, born in Segovia 57 years ago.
There is the circumstance that the priest was personal secretary of Marcial Maciel, the founder of Regnum Christi and the legionaries of Christ, a congregation to which this school institution belongs. Maciel was banished from the Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI after knowing the scandal of sexual abuse in which he was wrapped. He ordered his retirement from the public priesthood in 2006, after concluding the investigation into him, initiated in the time of John Paul II after the first complaints, 1997. The Legion of Christ has formally recognized sixty victims, since 1940. Maciel died in January 2008.
The now arrested was denounced by the environment of the child on March 6. The police arrested him this Thursday night and has spent all this time in the dungeon. The family and care unit for women and the minor (UFAM) in Madrid is taking the investigation. Its judicial provision is expected late on Friday, according to the information that this newspaper handles.
The address of Highlands School Eak has confirmed the arrest. He has informed the parents of the school that he is collaborating with the agents in the investigations and has activated the protocol of safe environments, “to give an immediate response.” The chaplain has been immediately separated from its functions while the investigation is cured.
Man is a well -known figure within Regnum Christi. Until 2014, he was a teacher in another center, that of Boadilla del Monte, and then move on to La Moraleja. Under their spiritual protection are primary and high school students (6 to 17 years old), all minors.
Police investigation does not rule out that there could be more victims in the different centers where he has worked. The Highlands School Encinar has asked the parents of students to notify any suspicious behavior that they consider relevant.
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