Aragon’s economy is expected to close 2024 growing 3%according to the review carried out by BBVA Research in which it has raised Spain’s GDP forecasts to 3.1% due to the acceleration in consumption and the boost in tourism.
Aragon is thus expected to close 2024 with growth similar to that of the Spanish economy as a whole, although slightly lower due to the evolution of exports, especially to Europe.
for the year 2025BBVA Research forecasts also point to economic growth, although it will be more moderate. Specifically, it is estimated that for this year it will be 2.2% in Aragon.
It is a moderation that will occur across the board in the autonomies and in Spain as a whole, where GDP is expected to grow by 2.3% and which, in the case of Aragon, will continue to be directly related to the worst performance of exports.
The most moderate growth will also occur in the face of 2026. In this exercise, BBVA Research estimates that the Aragonese community will grow 1.8% due to the boost to investment due to low interest rates, the need to expand productive capacity, European funds and the recovery of the Central European economies.
The community will have a better evolution than the Spanish economy, although slightly, since the GDP of the country as a whole will experience growth of 1.7%, according to these forecasts from BBVA Research.
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