Antony has fallen to the Real Betis. From his arrival, three goals and an assistance In the former Four games who has played, and a performance that has made the Bético hobbyalthough it is Sceding by him Manchester United Until the end of this season, there is ‘in love’ of him. The Brazilian too I needed this beginning In Heliopolis. In an interview with Betis TVSao Paulo said that “for me it was very important to start well. What makes me happier is that I have found myself againbe happy, to be enjoying every day. Things go well when we are well, happy, happy … in four games three goals and assists, yes, I started very well. I expected it and I didn’t expect it. I have worked my head and also physically to reach this moment. I am very happy for that. When I was In England I kept working my head and physically I was also well. I was preparing for this moment. Now, very happy to be enjoying and living an incredible moment «.
Questioned by the fact that In Mockster I did not playAntony said that «yes, I was playing little, but I’ve been working hard. I needed to be happy with me. The best version of being happy with me is the most important. I played little in Manchester, But I am grateful to them and also to the coach, who spoke with me. What did I think when Betis called me? I have many friends who played here and left me very calm to signing here. I was certain in my heart that coming here was the best decision for me. I hope to continue like this. The players who passed through here, like Ricardo Oliveira and Denilsonthat they sent me messages and They talked about how good the fans was. I also write to me with EmersonI have Good relationship with the”.
The Brazilian, when asked about what he feels playing in the Villamarínunveiled an anecdote with Pellegrini in one of his first conversations: «In the first game I talked to my brother, who was with me. That game was at night and in the afternoon I was anxious. I wanted to rest in the afternoon and I couldn’t because of the desire I had. I have come to play and conquer great things. He Mr. told me ‘You already marked us, now you have to mark for us’. And I have already told him ‘Mister, I’m marking’. And he laughed. The trust he has given me is incredible and I am very grateful. ” That trust is also very important for Antony, who commented that »before arriving I talked to the Mr. and gave me a lot of confidence. Not only him, but also some players like ISCOwhich is the captain, Bartra He sent me a message before signing … very happy for the trust they have given me «.
Play with colleagues like Isco and The Celso It is also very imopretant for Antony: «They are cracks. Isco is a great player, the story he hasIt is a crack, we all know. He tells me that is very happy for me. Having it next to it is easier, You understand you very well with him. With the Celso too. And with other colleagues, too. But having Isco next to me is very important.
Talking about the differences between playing in Manchester Or in Betis, the Brazilian valued that «in Mercanters I have been very good too, I won two titles and I am very grateful. But when I say that here I have found myself, happiness, people are like us in Brazil. The sun helps a lot. I’m very happy here. Every day I wake up with a smile and that is very important. What goal did I like the most? I liked all, but that of the Royal Society with that jump … All the colleagues have sent me the photo by jumping and finishing. I think it was a Very nice goal «.
On the team and the important moment of the season, Antony believes that «We have a very good teamnow we are better. We are Together with the same mentality. We cannot think much about the future, before we have many games. We have to be concentrated and focused on the target What we have, to put the Betis Where it deserves. It’s a big club and has to be up «.
“You don’t have to trust having won 0-3 in the first leg”
In the chapter on the Conference LeagueAntony is clear that «we have the second game on Thursday, yes, the first game was very good, we won 0-3. In these 90 minutes we have to Be very concentrated, not losing the focus, not trusting us for the result of the first gamewe have to work well and also win the game at home. The Vitoria Guimaraes or the Chelsea? They are great teams, but on Thursday we have to win, very important. There we concentrate our motivation. But as I say, you don’t have to trust to win 0-3 the first game. We have to make good game, win again, because that will give us more confidence For Sunday, that the game in Getafe It is also very important for us «.
His complicated life in Brazil
It was also treated during the interview with Antony how difficult their beginnings were in Brazilliving in a favela Even when I was already a professional at Sao Paulo. The Paulista player explained that “I lived in a very dangerous favela and there No opportunities is very difficult. But I am a very persistent person and believed in my dream, my family too. Develop what I like the most, which is Play football, and be in Europe now and here in Betis for me is a great victory. The most dangerous favela of Sao Paulo? I don’t know certainly, but very dangerous. I feel very honored and happy to represent them too. With 19 years I played in Sao Paulo in the first team and still lived in the favela, and it was not easy. I see the photos and I only know what I happened and my family also happened. As I say, it has been a great victory. I always liked football, that’s why the ball controls I do. I am very grateful to God for everything, my family too. It is not easy where I lived to have opportunities. Then go to him Ajaxhe Manchester United And now be here in the Betis. Also, play one World Cup … it’s a dream. We spent many things. My family and I know what we were happening. You always have to be well to be well. “
For having the opportunity to have traveled to Europe to fulfill their dream of playing football, it is for what the tattoo In the neck where you can read the word ‘illuminated’. The Brazilian explains it like this: «I feel that way, but because of the opportunity I have to be herefor how I spent it in the Sao Paulo favela. There are very few people who have this opportunitythat’s why enlightened, “he concluded.
#Antony #Betis