The central government, the Canarian government and the PP, in addition to Ceuta and Melilla, met this Thursday to try to unblock an agreement that would allow interterritorial solidarity to be systematized in the reception of migrant minors. After about two hours, the meeting ended without an agreement. The parties already arrived with few expectations of agreeing on a solution to the current refusal of the communities governed by the PP to take care of the kids who arrive on the Spanish coast if the central government does not cover the expenses and if it does not assume a change in the immigration policy that those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo want to impose outside of Parliament.
Two approaches that keep the negotiations blocked and which the PP does not intend to renounce despite being in the opposition. In addition, Feijóo’s people have received pressure from their only possible partner at the state, regional and local levels, Vox. Santiago Abascal’s party announced on Wednesday the “suspension” of budget negotiations with the regional governments chaired by the PP.
The parliamentary spokesperson for the PP, Miguel Tellado, will be in charge of representing his party at the meeting, scheduled for this morning. “Spain is experiencing an unprecedented migration crisis and the main person responsible for this situation is the Spanish Government,” he said at a press conference in Congress. Tellado has maintained that “other countries” have “reduced migratory pressure”, this “is increasing” in Spain “and is increasing due to the incompetence and inaction of the Government.”
According to the latest official data, Italy remains far ahead in terms of the arrival of migrants. The data of Spain and Greece are very similar.
“We demand from the Government of Spain a change in its immigration policy,” said Tellado, who has reiterated that his party is not willing to move from the proposal launched in September by Feijóo and the Canary Islands president, Fernando Clavijo, and that this He no longer defends. Clavijo governs in coalition with the PP in the Canary Islands and had previously closed a different document with the central government.
The agreement signed by both executives was overturned in Congress by PP and Junts. It was later when Clavijo signed with Feijóo to try to attract the PP to the agreement.
“If the Government wants to leave today’s meeting with an agreement, it must only sign its signature under the signatures of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo,” said Tellado, who has reiterated that his party is not willing to give an inch in their conditions.
Tellado has assured that the meeting with the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, has more to do with the accusations leveled against him by the confessed Víctor de Aldama than with the purpose of the meeting, despite the fact that several meetings have already been held. similar and this same one was scheduled weeks ago, but had to be suspended by DANA in Valencia.
“The only thing he is looking for in this meeting is to vindicate himself as a minister, as a certified minister in the face of all the cases of corruption that persecute Rudolf,” he said in reference to Torres and using the supposed nickname with which Aldama spoke about him. “Our position is what it is,” he concluded.
The leader of Vox recalled last night that his party left the autonomous governments “because the PP agreed with Sánchez on the distribution of illegal immigration in the autonomies” and demanded that they break those agreements to negotiate the budgets in the communities, Europa Press reports. . Abascal indicated that the PP can approve the budgets with the PSOE because “it is the one with whom they share the most policies.”
At the end of the meeting, Tellado reiterated the same arguments that he had offered before the meeting. The Government has denounced the immobility of the PP, as well as the intention to use the negotiation of the reform of article 35 of the immigration law to impose a complete change in the Executive’s immigration policy. Furthermore, government sources have regretted that the PP spokesperson did not want to address the current urgency suffered by the regions of arrival and has referred the Executive to a negotiation with the different autonomous communities.
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