In Angostura It operates as God gave it to understand, and this is not a new issue, since it has been going on for years and there have been administrations that have cared little about this situation. It is not until the arrival of municipal president César Mascareño Reyes that there is an invitation to councilors and officials to get to work on the update, and even until the integration of zero of the internal regulations with which the municipality should be operating. The Civil Protection coordinator, Francisco Javier Contreras Beltrán, was the first to speak and get to work, and the creation of the Council has already been presented to the Councilor’s Body. Civil Protection Regulation of Angostura, with the purpose of having well-founded and compliant bases that allow it to operate appropriately. But… what about the others?
In Salvador Alvarado “The People Rule” is the motto of the Government led by Armando Camacho Aguilar in the municipality. However, it seems that the mayor himself is unaware of the phrase or that it is simply not fulfilled, because it is the same town that has greatly demanded the lack of scraping of the roads and streets of neighborhoods, and despite the fact that it is the same voice in unison that is heard from the people, because that idea of commanding does not just arrive. What’s more, few neighborhoods in the municipal capital have been served, the rainy season is about to arrive and human settlements such as the La Gloria, Las Fincas, Militar and other neighborhoods, despite any season of the year, have had to endure traveling through streets of dirt roads, which are no longer potholes but craters, potholes in paved areas or stones that protrude and are almost impossible to avoid. It is urgent that this phrase so mentioned but with little effect be really put into practice, and not just pretend that there is closeness and attention to the people.
A harsh panorama they have the ranchers of Évora, because not only do they have to battle with the lack of water and green food, but now the situation is complicated by the entry into the local market of a large amount of meat from Sonora and even from the municipalities of Sinaloa themselves. The president of the Local Livestock Association General Producers of Guamúchil, José Ramón Gaxiola Gil, said that with this panorama it is difficult to generate an increase in the price that would lead them to recover the investment, since the competition from frozen and much cheaper meat for sale puts us at a serious disadvantage, and meanwhile, there is no one to regulate and control the excessive sale of this lower quality meat.
The default portfolio that drags the Irrigation Module 74-2 In Salvador Alvarado, the water payment has been for multiple reasons, says the president of the organization, Olegario Castro Cabrera, but mainly it has been the lack of payment for the crops. Even though the majority of the partners have complied, he has a list of 50 partners with whom he has already approached and there is an intention to pay once the resource from the sale of their crops is received.
#Angostura #works #regulations