Pietro Nicolai was only 52 years old: struck by a log while pruning a pine tree last February 24th
Sardinia and in particular the province of Oristano are shocked by the disappearance of a very young man, who lost his life in the last few hours. It's about Pietro Nicolai, 52 years old, officer of the Municipal Police of Siamaggiore, the town where he lived. Last February 24th he was involved in a serious accident while he was at his house. What happened and the community's condolences.
The small community of Siamaggiorea municipality of a few hundred inhabitants located in the province of Oristano, in the Campidano region, in Sardinia, is in shock due to the disappearance of a citizen known, respected and well-liked by all, who unfortunately was the victim of a terrible fate.
About ten days ago, precisely last February 24, while he was busy with another man pruning a large pine tree in the garden of his home, the unforeseeable happened to Pietro Nicolai. The upper part of the trunk, according to what emerged, would have detached and fallen right onto the basket on which the two were standing.

Crushed, both had fallen from the basket and, after a flight of about 7 meters, fell to the ground below. Once rescued, the other worker was transported to the hospital in Oristano, while the 52-year-old, who suffered very serious injuries, was airlifted to the hospital in Cagliari.

For 10 days the 52-year-old fought with all his strength, as did the doctors who treated him. In the end, however, came the tragic epilogue that no one would have wanted to come. The man's heart stopped forever. Many messages of condolence have appeared on the web in recent hours, such as that ofSimaxis Villaurbana Solarussa Comprehensive Institutewhat about Facebook he wrote:
Our community, not only the school community, today loses a loved one, and mourns the tragic epilogue of the accident that broke the life of Pietro Nicolai. An important person, not only for his work, but above all for the very strong sense of attachment to the values that distinguish him. His friendliness, availability, kind ways and self-sacrifice made him a safe point of reference, capable of always ensuring precise collaboration, especially in the need to refer to the situations in the town of Siamaggiore. High-level human qualities that made him a friend to everyone. With great dismay, on behalf of the entire school community, we embrace all the family members in a sincere and affectionate embrace as we say our final goodbyes to Pietro. May the earth be light on him.
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