It is inevitable: those of us born in Spain and in Latin America in general are known as lazy people. The reality, at least for the former, is that the Iberian country is one of those in which the most hours are worked in the EU, but this data does not seem enough to debunk the cliché.
The TikTok user doesn’t think like that @tomcharliedesignan American who lives in Spain and has published a video aimed at his compatriots to shed some light on this stereotype and offer his informed perspective.
“I don’t see this being true.”
“Spanish people have a reputation for being a little lazy, but I haven’t really seen this be true,” says the user. «Spain is synonym of nap and in fact, before moving here I thought it was something deeply rooted in their culture, but unfortunately that is not the case. If in Spain you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., like the rest of the world, there is no time for a nap,” he continues.
The foreigner emphasizes that the perception of the nap can vary depending on who you talk to. “The majority of people who work from 9.00 to 17.00so it is really impossible for people to take a nap in general,” he stressed. »In any case, I am totally in favor of this tradition and I take advantage of the weekend to take my naps«.
#American #debunks #cliché #Spaniards #lazy #thought #rooted #culture