45.56% of the crimes against sexual freedom that were perpetrated in Spain in 2023 had minors as victims, a notable fact taking into account that they represent 17% of the Spanish population.
This is collected in the dossier ‘sexual violence between adolescents: challenges and public policies’, a work prepared by the childhood platform from data and studies collected to date, such as the Ministry of Interior in the previous case, which this Entity presented on Wednesday in Madrid.
The report shows that eight out of ten women in the world who have suffered sexual violence in childhood report that it occurred for the first time when they were between 14 and 17 years old.
Children between 13 and 17 years old
In the case of Spain, 22.9% of crimes against sexual freedom in 2023 were committed against kids with ages ranging between 13 and 17 years.
The work collects data from the Grevia report, a work that attests that 17.8% of adolescents indicate some type of sexual victimization in the last year and 8.8% said they had suffered some kind of sexual violence committed by another teenager in The last year.
In turn, the Anar Foundation emphasizes that 60.8% of minors who reported some kind of sexual aggression between 2019 and 2024 were between 13 and 17 years old (67.6% of girls and 36.5% of boys); and that 21.4% of the kids who contacted their aid line said it had been attacked by another minor.
Along the same lines, the Unitat d’Avolted to Les Violències Versa Childhood I L’Ongencia (Equma Emma) reported that in a third of the cases that the aggressor attended in 2022 the aggressor was a minor.
Similarly, one in three authors of group sexual assault is a minor, being the main types of violence that the following commit: ‘Sexting’ (44.2%) and dissemination of content of sexual violence (33,3 %).
It should be noted that it is very frequent than the kids with ages between 13 and 17 years perpetrate to a lesser extent than adults the most violent sexual aggressions (17.1% compared to 78.9%).
Digital sexual violence
Regarding digital sexual violence, the report includes data from a FAD Youth study, according to which 59.9% of adolescents have suffered some kind of violence in this area.
In that sense, a study by Grevia argued that 12.1% of adolescents denounced some case of sexual violence in the digital environment in the last year; While another Anar Foundation work states that technology was present in 52.7% of the consultations made to their aid lines.
Sexual violence in the digital environment is prevalent in young women, as it proves that 23.6% of them have suffered three or more forms of sexual violence in the digital environment compared to 14.2% of men.
Among the most common types of violence suffered by adolescents, is the reception of unplayed sexual content (21.1%), a figure that amounts to 34.3% in the case of those who are between 16 and 19 years old, and harassment by adults when they were minors (17.4%).
An International Plan report shows that most girls between 15 and 24 years account that they begin to be harassed on social networks between the ages of 12 and 16.
On this particular, 88% of girls and young people argue that they themselves or other girls in their environment have been harassed in networks and 58% points out that they or other girls who know have suffered sexual harassment. In general, 41% of the girls denounces that they have been harassed by colleagues from the school.
Another report by Plan International and the Complutense University of Madrid observes that 42.6% of preteens and adolescents claim to perceive a high and high level of gender violence in the digital environment.
For its part, 62.5% of adolescents between 13 and 17 years have seen pornography once in their life, 53.8% did so before the age of 13 and 8.7% before the 10 years, being the Middle Ages 12 years.
As for risk perception, 70% of young people acknowledges that they share online information has risks, 61% say that sexual harassment has increased by technology and 54% explains that sexual violence has increased in the environment digital.
One in four men between 16 and 19 years acknowledges that they have seen people around the environment of artificial intelligence of people they know personally. On the reasons that drive these individuals to it, about harming (43.2%), morbidity or need for this type of content (36.7%), economic profit (27%) or fun ( 27%).
The kids who commit the most problematic, harmful, abusive or violent sexual behaviors are between 13 and 17 years old, the main type of violence that they commit with the ‘sexting’ (44.2%) and pornography is related (33.3% ).
Gender violence
In Spain, there are currently a total of 2,189 of lower victims of gender violence, of which 1,180 are active cases that require police monitoring. In fact, according to data from the Reina Sofía de Fad Juventud Center, only 40.5% of minors between 15 and 19 years say they have not suffered any situation of violence in the couple, compared to 87% of kids acknowledges having lived or seen in its close environment situations of violence of men against women.
It should be noted that 18% of young people agree with the fact that gender violence does not exist and that it is an ideological invention.
Behaviors related to gender violence in adolescents are very visible in the digital environment, as evidence Received pressures to stop talking to someone in networks and 34.5% underline that they have reviewed the mobile phone without their consent.
Finally, about 2.6% of adolescents suffer from sexual exploitation, according to Grevia. This scourge does not occur among equals, but it is the adults normally who pay, blackmail and aggregate them. 67.2% of the kids affirm that the reasons why they resort to this type of exploitation are of an economic nature, 56.7% do so to get alcohol and drugs, 56.7% to have a place to sleep , 55.2% for material goods and 54.1% per fun or to live new experiences.
#sexual #crimes #Spain #committed #minors