After a few days, in terms of time, the arrival of a anticyclone He has brought calm to Spain again, accompanied by an intense Down in temperatures. This stability situation will not last long, because, as confirmed by the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), the next few days will be marked again by Rain and cold in many areas of the Peninsula.
From this Wednesday, next to the Sun will also come numerous frosts in much of the country, leaving a Thermal collapse and Winter environment almost the whole country. In some areas, the thermometers will leave values below zero And we will have snow In some peninsular mountain ranges.
The situation will change from the weekend with the arrival of new rainfall, which, added to the cold that is expected in almost the entire country, will leave new snowfall.
The cold returns: frosts extend to these areas of Spain
Although a Sun predominance And stability in almost all of Spain, Aemet experts have already warned that in the next few hours The cold will return to many parts of the country. In this way, we will leave the rains behind to give way to an anticyclone that will favor that this week is “colder than usual for the time”, bringing the winter atmosphere back.
The minimal temperatureswho began to fall this Tuesday, will continue their descent this Wednesday, with frosts that could extend to almost the entire peninsula and will charge intensity throughout the week. The worst part is expected to take it in the interior points in the northern peninsular half, as well as mountains of the southeast of the southern plateau.
Weekly prediction:
Today: Chubascos in southern Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla that could be strong or very strong; Nieve in the surroundings of Sierra Nevada.
From Tuesday to Friday: Sun’s predominium; fogs in the Duero basin; frost in the northern peninsular half.
– Aemet (@aemet_esp) February 3, 2025
According to the meteorology agency, frost will strongly reach the Cantabrian mountain range, Pyrenees, Iberian and in areas of the northern plateau. For its part, in many provincial capitals such as Burgos, Teruel or Soriathe minimum could go down to the -3ºC or -4ºC Throughout Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, in the highest areas the thermometers could lower below -6 degrees.
In the next few days we could also have some snowfall in the Southeast Sierras. In these areas, the snow level will be around 1,300 and 1,600 meters And cold notices could even be activated in León, Soria and Zamora, according to the AEMET.
Rains and snow for the weekend in Spain
As we approach the weekend, the situation could even worsen with the arrival of colder and new rains To Spain, leaving a full -winter weekend in almost the entire country. Although until Friday there are no significant rainfall, the entry of a Atlantic front by Galicia It will leave rainfall in the northwest end.
Everything indicates that the cold of these days will also be maintained throughout the weekend and that it could even be intensified with the arrival of A colder air mass from the interior of Europe. According to the Aemet, “in the peninsular northeast rainfall could be snow a low levels.” They are not ruled out New snowfalls in Pyrenees pointswhere the 20 cm of snow could be exceeded.
Still with great uncertainty about what will happen on Saturday and Sunday, from organizations such as warn that «the presence of low pressures in the Mediterranean would favor that we have rainfall in east peninsular and especially in the Balearic Islands», Thus adding to the rains of the Atlantic.
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