Aemet confirms the arrival of a storm that will leave abundant rains in almost all of Spain

The rain will be the protagonist in the remainder of the week, for the arrival of a new storm that will cause instability and leave rains that could be abundant in different areas of Spain, especially during the Friday and Saturday, as explained in its forecast of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet).

The change of time It will begin to be noticed from this Thursday. The approach of a front from the associated Atlantic will leave a predominance of cloudy skies or covered in the peninsula, with possible weak and scattered rainfall in areas of the Cantabrian and Atlantic aspects, without being discarded in the Pyrenees at the end.

Throughout the day they will tend to open clearly to east, however, the entrance of the front will increase the cloudiness in the west peninsular, leaving rainfall in western Galicia that will extend to other areas of the western end at the end. It will hardly snow, although no snowflake is discarded in mountains of the northern peninsular half or at the east end of both plateaus with a dimension between 1200-1500 meters, being able to lower locally to 1000.

The temperatures Maximum will tend to descend in the peninsular southwest, Levante points and in high areas of the Canary Islands and half of the Peninsula, except in Pyrenees with promotions as in Galicia. On the other hand, the minimums will increase in Atlantic and Cantabrian aspects, with light declines in the rest of the country. Fleds will be weak and punctual, the state agency follows in the detailed forecast on its website.

The loose winds of southern component will predominate on the Peninsula and Balearic Islands, moderate in coastlines of western Galicia, with lavish lift in the Strait and Alborán and Northwest Rolando to South in Ampurdán. No notices are foreseen in any community, as in recent days.

More intense rains for Friday and Saturday

As of Friday, rainfall will gain intensity And they will be accompanied by storm, warns the Aemet. That day are strong in areas of Cádiz, Malaga, Ceuta and coastlines of Huelva, without being discarded in Melilla. For Saturday, a situation of instability is expected in much of the country, with the storm located in the peninsular south.

#Aemet #confirms #arrival #storm #leave #abundant #rains #Spain

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