There is no discussion. For Álvaro Puche, author of books such as ‘Force training for over 50 years’, «THE WOMAN OF THE XXI CENTURYYou can’t afford not to be in shape ». He physical exercise in general and, strength training in particular, … reiterates, “they are indispensable for the future of the Women’s healthregardless of his age, his maturational stage or his vital context «.
In fact for Puche, a degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports, Master in Integrative Physiology, and Person muscle ».
At what time in the life cycle should you start training and what kind of exercises should you practice?
You must always start as soon as possible. Without fear when the exercise is adapted, guided and supervised by a professional in the field. From an 8 -year -old girl, through a girl of 15, a 19 -year -old adolescent, a woman of 40, a lady of 70 or an old woman of 100. All will be benefited by the practice of physical exercise that corresponds to them, duly adapted to her biological and psychomotor circumstances.
It is never too soon or too late to start doing the right thing. We must break certain socially accepted dogmas since past times. Neither the girl is going to be small, nor does the woman get as “Hulk”, neither the lady or old woman will harm because they take weight. The strong woman lives more and lives better.
He strength training Oriented to the largest muscle groups in the body (70% of the muscle mass we have is located down) it will be the most metabolic, bone and hormonal impact on women. The legs of legs of legs and buttocks such as squatillas, strides, dead weights, Hip Thrust, Bulgarian squat, buttocks, extensions and knee flexions against resistance, or the hip extensions in pulley, among others, will be the great allies for women who not only are oriented to the aesthetic issue, but I want to be young, full and vital.
So that perpetual fear of women to get very great for the practice of strength training, is it myth or reality?
Naturally, without the use of means external to biology itself, the hormonal environment of women will not allow it to develop a gigantic or excessive muscle mass. Zero fears about it, please. The biological limit of the development of the muscle structure is based on the person’s bone structure itself. Then, if the woman’s bone structure adds her low natural levels of anabolic hormones such as testosterone, she is made unable to develop great muscle masses with two or three weekly sessions of force exercise, which is the most widespread recommended dose today. If you are a woman and you think you are going to develop a man’s body for training the force two, three or four times a week, careless, that will not happen to you.
This is a great myth that fortunately are more and more girls and women who break their practical examples. In my professional career I never saw a woman put as a man, what I saw her was improving her body composition, her joint pain, her health biomarkers in a blood analytical, her functional performance outside the gym, her mental and psychological capacity and her empowerment. Will we take care of our menstrual cycle to organize our training sessions?
I think that the woman should not be the victim of a possible self-consideration derived from her different stages of the menstrual cycle, although it is true that it seems important to me that the woman knows and is informed of her hormonal fluctuations and the associated symptomatology that it can entail. Although we know that the hormonal cycle influences sports performance, I suggest you try not to suggest you.
Take the most of the follicular phase (between days 1 and 12 of the cycle) and especially the ovulation phase (between days 13 and 16 of the cycle) and the beginning of the luteal phase (between days 16 and 24 of the cycle) to give maximum intensity to your strength training and values that during the end of the luteal phase (from day 24 to 30 of the cycle) A little and you should consider that in those days you will have greater vulnerability to the increase in articular lesion probability (in the days of bleeding of your menstrual cycle your joint stability decreases). In short, enjoy your abilities and potentialities to your body. You do not lose anything to lower the intensity of the training for a few days or let yourself be guided by what the guides say and if you feel great, go with everything for the best training of the week.
Can strength training help improve posture in women?
That’s right, without a doubt. For this, the sine qua non is that the woman also dedicates time and energy to the exercise of her muscles of the upper limb (back, chest, shoulders and arms). Improving strength in these upper muscles will improve their postural hygiene and with it, their pains, discomfort or possible muscle overloads derived from the long days that mostly pass ourselves in front of the screens will decrease. The woman must know the importance for her articular and mental health of the training of these muscles. At least one day per week. Muscle development must be harmonious, although prioritizing by fundamentally metabolic reasons the muscles of the lower part of the body, not forget that the top is very important to maintain a back and some healthy and pain -free shoulders. In addition, the woman responds better to the exercise of force of the upper limbs with respect to the man. Therefore, with low doses of practice the benefit will be very large.
What are the most common health problems in women and how physical exercise can help us manage them?
Undoubtedly, the most common health problems currently in women could be classified on three fronts: metabolic problems derived from excess fat and low muscle mass (sarcopenia, osteopenia/osteoporosis, diabetes), hormonal problems derived from deregulation or lack of functionality of the central glands of hormone regulation (dysfunctions in the axis Hypothalamus-hypopysarian and in thyroid and paratyroid glands) and problems derived from the lack of energy bioavailability (caused by loss of mitochondrial functionality). In any of the three cases, the fundamental axis to attend is the musculoskeletal tissue, a regulator par excellence together with adequate food, metabolism, hormonal functioning and cell health.
How can you fight those three fronts?
And strength training is the tool, along with a hyperproteic and hyperenergetic diet of the construction of good health and muscle condition. I feel that the message has not yet penetrated enough that without muscle health there is no possibility of good organic health. Or in other words, if we do not do what is necessary to improve our muscle function, there will hardly be a qualitative improvement in metabolic, hormonal and/or cell phones. And here the force exercise is the protagonist. Fearless. And as if life was in it, because it really is.
In any case, physical exercise should be prohibited or contraindicated?
Physical exercise should never be prohibited or contraindicate, it must always be adapted and contextualized to the personal circumstances of those who will put it into practice. We must claim our right to have an iron health, full and full of vitality. And prohibiting or contraindicating exercise does not go on the path of health. But rather, by the opposite sense.
And to the periopáusic or menopausal woman, what advice would you give you?
That now more than ever, your body and your mind need not to stop, or to be actions if you have not yet done so. In this vital stage of women it is even more important to get to the dumbbells and the bars and build a good shield against the enemy fronts that can threaten him. And it is undoubtedly the physical exercise one of those protective shields, on which your health will depend not only in short, but also in the medium and long term. Another advice that would give it is that it does not eat less or eat only vegetables or fruit, but that it eats well, that does not fear good fats or breakfast eggs or a meat steak and that chooses to increase its daily energy expenditure being as active as possible.
And cellulite, what can we do with it?
Cellulite is fought by improving body composition (improving the relationship between muscle tissue and fatty tissue). I have not met a strong woman and with good body composition that has a lot of cellulite. The structure of our fatty tissue is fought with a strength work on the muscles where this fat accumulation is based. Strength training, together with good diet and hydration are fundamental to prevent and/or fight cellulite in cases where you have already made an appearance. The most important issue in this case seems to me that the woman understands that excess fat is not merely an aesthetic problem, but rather is a great health problem, a disease that attentive to all planes and structures of the person.
How is this? Explain more about this statement.
When the woman cares about her appearance or her image in front of the mirror, she looks at the Michelines, in cellulite or in excess of fat that is pinched in the internal face of the thighs, but this is really a consequence of her internal organic state. The fat that should be most concerned about that with more intention and value we should attend is not subcutaneous fat, but visceral fat. This is the one that accumulates internally, among our vital organs, and even the one that manages to penetrate our muscles. A woman with excess visceral fat is an inflamed woman and neuro intoxicated, who carries a disease that exterminates her health from the mitochondria of the cell to her last capillary. It is not an aesthetic issue, it is a matter of general health. That urges fighting from the understanding and detection of the factors that have led us to accumulate it. And always repairing that the exit is inwards, and not from outside. If we put the focus on improving our interior, it will inexorably have a positive impact on the person’s “facade.”
If on the contrary, we put the focus on action on aesthetic improvement, on many occasions we will give blind sticks or at least we will not finish spinning everything fine that is due to achieve a real health improvement. Who wants a beautiful body, that tries to conquer a beautiful health. Success is guaranteed.
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