The O Piñeiriño neighborhood of Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra) boasts of having the “smallest Christmas tree in the world”, created in a laboratory and measuring ten micrometers. This means that it is ten times smaller than the diameter of a person’s hair.
Last Christmas, this Arousa neighborhood made headlines by creating the smallest Christmas tree in the world, just two centimeters high, including its base.
The story, as told by the Breogán Cultural Association in a statement sent to the media, reached a group of researchers from the Merlin laboratory in Maastricht (Holland) who were celebrating their Christmas dinner. Among them was the Santiago scientist Adrián Seijas, who encouraged his colleagues to overcome the challenge of creating an even smaller tree.
Thanks to one clean room, A laboratory space designed to carry out work in an environment with extreme control over the amount of contaminating particles present in the air, the experts were able to guarantee the ideal conditions to make this tree.
Thus, through the two-photon polymerization machine, a technology that allows objects to be sculpted at a nanometric scale, They created this microscopic Christmas tree in just two minutes. This method works by using lasers that solidify photosensitive materials layer by layer, generating three-dimensional structures with very high precision.
The result was a tree ten times smaller than the diameter of the hair of one person, an achievement that Adrián Seijas communicated to the Breogán neighborhood association of the O Piñeiriño neighborhood, which already displays the smallest Christmas tree in the world.
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