A well equipped kitchen makes life easier, have everything we need to cook It makes the process easier and invites us to be more creative and spend more time preparing food, making it more varied and attractive. However, it seems that not all those appliances that are never missing in most kitchens in Spain are equally good, at least the time to help us lose weight.
While no one doubts how indispensable it is to have a fridge or a washing machine, there are other appliances, those that enter the ‘small appliance’ category that do not have the same consideration. In fact, it is not so much to have it as the place where we have them, because that are always available can incite us to eating habits that do not favor usat least this wanted to highlight the journalist, writer, researcher and expert in Longevity Dan Buettner.
The Longevity Expert Council to lose weight
Buettner seems to be clear, food is one of the fundamental pillars in people’s lives, both to be healthier and to live longer (among many other factors that the expert also recognizes as important). This means that through their social networks some tips or tips share to help those who seek to improve certain aspects of their habits that are related to food. To the surprise of many, he wanted to highlight the importance of the fact of Always have certain appliances at hand, such as the toaster.
“We give great importance to How the environment is configured to make healthy decisions easier to take. A study by the University of Cornell (New York) concludes that if you have a toaster on the countertop It is possible that almost three more kilos because if you did not have it ”the expert explained.
He explained that this is because, in general, what is prepared in that toaster is not usually healthy and suggests that, instead of this tool, it is Better to look at a bowl with fruits or vegetablesinviting us to eat a greater amount of these foods for being at hand. “This will naturally prompt you to eat more of them and make healthy choice, easy choice. It is a small change, but it can help you live a longer and more healthy life. ”
The study to which it refers to reinforce its advice seems to prove it, because in it, different kitchens were compared to verify the relationship between the food environment and the body mass index (BMI) of adults who lived in those houses and the results seem to confirm this theory. Who had fresh fruit by hand They tended to have a normal weightwhile those who had soft drinks or cereals weighed up to nine kilos.
Organize cooking for healthier food

As indicated in the study cited by Buettner, the environment is also important if we want our food to be healthier. One of the first tips that experts give is have as clear as possiblethat is pleasant and simple to work in the kitchen, without junk that can overwhelm or devices that we have occupying space, but we never use. Other advice has to do with the way of organizing food and that the wake follows of what is indicated by the expert in longevity.
If we leave at hand the foods we use the most and the healthiest and keep better those that only should be taken occasionally, we will be reducing the temptation to resort to them in moments of hunger or anxiety. For example, leaving sugary drinks in the upper kitchen cabinetsavoiding keeping cereals in the lower cabinets (which are also available to the little ones in the house and can resort to them when it does not correspond) or not keeping the gum in the drawer. They are small tips that can make Let’s adopt healthier habits in a simpler way and organic.
Wansink, B., Hanks, A., & Kaipainen, K. (2015, August 12). Slim By Design: Kitchen Counter Corlatas of Obesity. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2643023
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