The 113 anniversary of the Sinking of Titanic And the stories surrounding this historical event continue to fascinate, especially collectors.
On March 27, a letter written by one of the victims of the ship’s sinking, which has been preserved until today. Its price is expected reach 36,000 euroscollect the Daily Mail.
The letter was written by a 16 -year -old named Thomas Cupper Muddnative of the English town of Huntingfield, in Suffolk. The letter is written on paper with the Titanic logo and sent home from the last port of the ship’s scale, in Queenstown (Ireland), today Cobh, just three days before the ship collided against an iceberg.
In the letter, the young man writes: “Dear mother and all who are at home: I take the opportunity to send them A few lines on how we start from Southampton. “
“We have been having a very hard climate, but the ship is so stable that you would barely notice that it is moving, If it were not for the noise of the engines. Now we are approaching Queenstown, “he continues.
“The ship is like a magnificent palace. The living room and dining room are beautiful. We are enjoying an excellent meal. I’ve become friends with an English young gentleman and it’s really very pleasant, “he says.
“The beds are very beautiful, they also have a lot of coverage to keep heat and They also have mattresses with docks“The young man explains in his letter.
The letter concludes: “Excusely write, since The ship is moving a lot. Now I must finish. With love for everyone. Your dear son Tom “.
Rupert Powell, from Forum Auccs, the firm manages the sale of the letter, says: “Thomas Mudd died in sinking and his body, If it was recovered, it was never identified. “
“With only 16 years, he was one of the youngest victims of the Titanic disaster, so this letter It is particularly moving“He adds.
Born in 1895, MUDD was one of the 13 children of Thomas and Elizabeth Coe Mudd. Two of his older brothers They had already emigrated to the United States in 1912. His brother James had gone in 1907 to Radnor, Pennsylvania, where he began working as a gardener, while his brother George followed him in 1911.
Thomas, accountant, was going to join them, bought a second class ticket and sailed from Southampton on April 10, 1912. He wrote his last letter the next day.
After the disaster, Thomas Mudd’s parents received financial support from the Titanic Help Fund. His brothers in the United States, James and George, They lived until 1953 and 1966 respectively, and the latter called his firstborn son Thomas.
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