A judge in Madrid has decided to process the humorist Héctor de Miguel, known as ‘Quequé’, for joking in the ‘Twenty -Picure’ program of the SER chain with “Filling the Valley of the Fallen with“ dynamite ”to, with the remains of the Cruz, stoned pedophile priests. The magistrate has transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office and the complainants of Christian lawyers to say if he must go to trial. His statements, says magistrate Carlos Valle, are not “an example of sarcastic humor” but a potential crime of hate against Catholics.
The humorist made those statements in June last year in the program presented from Monday to Thursday at the SER chain. A special baptized as ‘Festipic Time’ at the beginning of which I Quequé took the microphone for a monologue: “All these people we are here we have a wish, which is to fill the cross of the Valley of the Fallen with dynamite and fly it through the air. If it can be a Sunday, better, for more people to go, ”he said. The following, he added shortly after, was to take those “pieces” and throw the stones “to the priests who have fucked a child, bone, all”, referring to the ultra -Catholic practice of harassing the women who come to abort Clinics
The decision has been signed by Judge Carlos Valle, who a few months ago He also prosecuted Pablo Echeniqueformer deputy of Podemos, for a tweet in similar to the statements of Quequé and also denounced by Christian lawyers: “It is much more likely that a priest commits a crime of sexual aggression against minors that a migrant person criminal offers.”
The Christian lawyers association denounced Quequé, which declared a few weeks ago in the Plaza de Castilla in Madrid. Judge Carlos Valle, in a car that Eldiario.es has been able to examine On the bench.
The magistrate emphasizes that his statements were issued in a program of the SER chain “that accumulates tens of thousands of listeners” and that were expressions “of an offensive nature” that “imply the imputation of an extremely serious crime to a whole collective, calling for This to assault them by launching stones. ” For the magistrate, accusing in generic terms to the priests of abusing minors is a “free, begging and directly offensive imputation.”
That monologue of the presenter, the judge follows, can be sufficient to “generate in part of the hearing, even indirectly, feelings of hate or hostility against the concrete collective referred to for reasons related to their religion or beliefs.” There was, according to this magistrate, an incitement to hate or hostility, violating constitutional values of coexistence, human dignity and non -discrimination. ”
This passage to abbreviated procedure, prior to the opening of oral trial, has already been appealed by the defense of Quequé, a appeal challenged by Christian lawyers. Both this association and the Prosecutor’s Office have ten days to explain whether the humorist must go to trial, something predictable in the case of Christian lawyers, or if the case must be filed.
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