A colocon of cutter films, bets for Goya and anti -Franco pop art to make the weekend a better place

These days in these days in what seems that everything revolves around the cinema, between the Oscar and the Goya (They are celebrated this Saturday and we will be in Granada to cover them), has exploded a crack, which is actually the same old crack: how artists affect the opinions of their works. We are living it embodied in the figure of Karla Sofía Gascón, which has starred in the news soap opera this week.

Do not stop reviewing the interviews we have made this week to some of the nominees, such as Carolina Yuste, MARIA ARNAL, Pepe Lorente, Laura Weissmahr, Crystalline and Daniel Ibáñez. Who do you think he will win? Make your baton and share it. And enjoy Saturday from ten o’clock at the night of the gala.

A concert

Dancing Plague (Madrid and Barcelona). Strasbourg, 1518. A strange epidemic ravages the city. He started with a single person, a woman, dancing spasmodic in the street. Thus was three days. Soon the entire city was infected with choreomania. From that dance epidemic he takes his artistic name Conor Knowles, a portland musician (Oregon) who has one of the most exciting cold and dark electronics proposals of the current scene. Apply a degree of aggressiveness to a certain pop scheme that facilitates the construction of a powerful dance music halfway between Depeche Mode and Ministry. Dancing Plague touches February 7 in Specka (Madrid) and February 8 in Laut (Barcelona).

Three recommended books

‘The favorite dead girl of All’ by Beatriz García Guirado (KO Books). In this non -fiction book of the author of novels as The silence of the sirens, The writer investigates the death of Elizabeth Short, a young actress aspiring known as the Black Dalia whose corpse appeared mutilated in Los Angeles in 1947. The author’s goal is to transfer the fascination with the character and unravel what hides under the morbid of the macabre. In bookstores on February 17.

‘I wish a bomb of Gerrit Kouwenaar (Catopardo). This Dutch author, who died in 2014 is a key figure of the Dutch letters of the 50s. There he was considered a Enter terrible and despite this he achieved the highest distinction in the Literature of the Netherlands. This is a classic work that transmits postwar existentialism from the gaze of a teenager in 1940. The story begins with that boring boy who has that thought of the title. That same night, Germany invades Holland. In bookstores on February 17.

‘I left like a storm’ by Sara Herrera Peralta (Consonni). A novel that reflects on writing and embroidery from the work of Louise Bourgeois. Talk about what remains in the shadow and what is discovered to the touch. The writing of this novel was made in parallel to that of the poems The bird’s piar and the drip of the water that falls from the roof (The beautiful Warsovia). In bookstores on February 10.

Three recommended films, by Javier Zurro

‘The ghost network’. Jonathan Millet comes from the documentary and that shows how he addresses the issue of Syrian refugees in this thriller that keeps you attached to the armchair without effects, without melodramatic turns, with intelligence and an austere but tense staging. He does it telling an unknown story, the networks of refugees who were looking for their torturers to end them.

‘Bodegón with ghosts’. A comedy in a town in La Mancha where the living and the dead have all their pending things. A movie that has some Ropesome Kaurismaki and some chanante humor, and that already makes it surprising and unique. It is the debut in the direction of Enrique Buleoand for the lovers of heat there is a wink with the appearance of The friend Maribel.

‘María Callas’. It is not as bright as Neruda or like Jackie, But Pablo Larraín always offers something for his biopics not to be simple Hollywood products. Here gets moments of overwhelming beauty -It is musical and dreamlike leaks- and an interpretation of Angelina Jolie, great as the opera diva. A woman who was a mystery and that men tried – how not – bend.

Three plans for the weekend, by Laura García Higueras

Cutrecon 2025 (Madrid). Madrid hosts from February 5 to 9 the Squter Film Festival, which has been released by the most “bad” low -budget films in the history of seventh art as objects of worship. In total, 20 films from different countries of the world will be screened, most of them “unknown and unknown” by the general public, but, as they affirm from the organization “deserve a second chance because of the involuntarily funny that result in their most”. Of course, the perfect alternative (and more thug) to the Goya.

Fine Arts Museum (Granada). Taking advantage of the fact that the Goya are celebrated precisely in Granada, we go with a proposal beyond the mandatory visit to the Alhambra. This pinacoteca is located in the Palace of Carlos V and brings together more than 2,000 works, between paintings and sculptures. Alonso Cano, Pedro Machuca, José de Mora and Juan Ramírez are some of their artists exhibited. The theme is religious in most of the pieces, since many of them were recovered from convents and monasteries that remained in the hands of the State after Mendizábal confiscation in 1836.

‘Normcore -Normal-‘ (Seville). The dancer and choreographer Lucía Vázquez premieres this work on Friday around the beauty of naturalness at the Central Theater of Seville. In his proposal he moves away from the trends to defend personality without artifice, in response to the spread of fashions, which is already a fashion in itself. She is accompanied by the dancer Sandra Ortega and the musician and composer Miguel Marín Arbol, responsible for the soundtrack, which is based on the beauty of bare music and the purity of the voice.

Three exhibitions, by Jordi Sabaté

  • ‘Andy Warhol. Posters’ (Madrid). The Canal Foundation It brings together, until May 4, one of the largest compilations until the date of the famous posters that Warhol He made in his career. These are 134 pieces created by the artist from 1962 to the end of his career. The sample is divided into six thematic sections based on the typology of the works: first posters, painted papers, adaptations and serigraphs, late posters and portraits. It also includes such iconic images as celebrity portraits such as Marilyn Monroe, Isabel II of England or Elisabeth Taylor, among others. The exhibition is in essence a route from the folded invitations and advertisements of its professional beginnings to covers of discs and magazines, thus touring the Warholian iconography and highlighting the role of the posters as an artistic vehicle in their career.
  • ‘A painted biography’ (Aviles). Eduardo Arroyo’s work (Madrid, 1937-2018), a key figure of Spanish contemporary art, reaches the Aviles Niemeyer Center dome. Since February 7, and from Granada, more than seventy works by this Madrid artist will be exposed at the Avilesino International Center, among others, of the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid, the Regional Museum of Contemporary Art of Cartagena, the Valencian Institute of Modern Art, various private collections or works assigned by the artist’s family. A painted biography is a route of more than fifty years, which begins in the sixties and reaches until 2018, date on which the author dies. Regarding the sample of Granada, the Niemeyer has the incorporation of twenty new works. Among them, for example, The four dictators, that until now he had never seen himself outside Queen Sofia. Until May 4.
  • The Cuban! (Barcelona). He Palau Robert de Barcelona It hosts, until April 25, the commemorative exhibition of the 45 years of the La Cuban group, one of the longest cases in the Spanish theater scene. Born in Sitges in 1980 by the hand of Vicky Plana and Jordi Millán, who remains its director, the Cuban has taken its unbridled and full of color and experimentation throughout the Spanish geography for more than four decades. From this group actors and directors such as Santi Millán, Joaquin Oristrelll or José Corbacho have come out. The exhibition travels the different shows made in his career and collects the carnival and creativity costume designed by the group itself.

Three articles

Oh, good so bad. We know the life and personality of Pepa Cortijothe actress who hides behind the famous Maribel of Ojete heat. After starring several shorts, premieres Bodegón with ghosts.

Dover’s legacy. Over time the Powerful influence From the group of the Llanos Sisters, Motor Force for many women to find a way of being in rock, screaming and conquering the top.

Miss Lunatic. This year we are going to talk a lot about Carmen Martín Gaite. The theater also gives us rise to it. It is being represented Red Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan and We talked to actress Mamen García.

Book Recommendations

Happiness is in books, but in which ones? These are the books of this week.

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