It is not something new. But it is news that deserves to stand out from time to time. A group of UC David Health researchers They implemented several months ago A series of sensors in a man’s brain with a serious speech deterioration due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ELA). And it was A success.
In depth
According to the great study published in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine‘, the man was able to communicate your intention A few minutes after activating the system. This new technology, as expected, aims to restore the communication of people who cannot communicate due to Paralysis or neurological conditions such as ELA.
To do this, it is able to interpret the brain signals when the user tries to speak and makes them text, which is in turn transmitted aloud by the computer. Despite the advances in this field, attempts to facilitate communication were Very slow.
More details
“Our BCI technology helped quite To a man with paralysis to communicate with friends, family and caregivers. It is the neuroprosthesis of Speak more accurate ever reported“He revealed bluntly David Brandmanmain co-author of study A ‘Sinc‘.
To develop the system, the collective registered Casey Harrell, a 45 -year -old man with ELAin the Brain Gate clinical trial. At the time of his participation, he had weakness in his arms and legs. In addition, his speech was difficult to understand and required others to help him interpret it.
To take into account
Hence they made the decision to implement the BCI device in Harrel. More specifically, they placed four electrodes matrices on the left precentral circumvolution, a region of the brain responsible to coordinate speech. The nuances, apparently, They are designed to record the brain activity of 256 cortical electrodes.
“We recorded from the part of the brain that you are trying to send these commands to the muscles. We basically hear that and translate the patterns of brain activity still phonemelike a syllable or the prayer unit, and then the words they are trying to say, “concluded the neuroscientist Sergey Staviskymainly study of the study.
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