The technology no-code It revolutionizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) by being able to be applied without the need to have knowledge of programming or the chosen software, confirms the 2023/2025 Trend Report, prepared by Overlap.
Despite Experts do not recommend making the decision without prior analysis, Companies will be able to implement AI in their businesses, although with nuances, since the choice to adopt AI without code in a company is a question that must be made after carrying out various assumptions. To do this, it will be essential to analyze how the company’s planned solution should fit.
It is essential to know the term no-code to know how companies can implement it in their companies. This type of software refers to an ecosystem of tools and methodologies that allow people without knowledge technicians or programming experience build software without coding. This is because no-code tools use an interface with numerous utilities such as drag and drop functionality, pre-designed templates and pre-built components that allow you to create software visually without prior knowledge. The tools no-code They provide a visual translation of the coding that is much more intuitive. Using no-code tools you can create products, platforms or experiences.
No-code tools have shown a great progress in recent decades since they can offer more possibilities, are better designed and easier to use. In addition, they are more stable, secure and have increased their efficiency in collaboration.
Low-code and zero-code
Some software tools are labeled as no-code but they require prior knowledge about how computers work. For this, the terms were created low-code and zero-codewhich help clarify the differences between zero-code ones and those that require certain knowledge to use.
First of all, the tools Zero code does not require any knowledge coding or computer operation. On certain occasions they may not strictly create software. They are included in the no-code movement because they extend the capabilities of the documents or databases they create in a similar way to how no-code tools do.
On the other hand, there are low-code ones. These allow developers to build digital business applications and solutions in less time than with traditional programming, but to use them, the user needs to have prior computer technical knowledge. The low-code They are aimed at developers and people with coding knowledge to streamline the code build process. To expand what they can do and dramatically reduce execution time. A low-code tool is useful when building a digital business solution that requires numerous iterations, such as incorporating sales actions from sellers. It is possible to program the application in a short time compared to traditional programming and, likewise, custom elements or advanced functionality can be added without going to the IT department.
Changes in the industry
No-code software is changing the technology industry because of its adaptability to the media – thanks to its design, codeless software is easier to configure -, the rapid technological deployment, the personalized solutions that it designs for the client, the automation and implementation in AI – the most valued currently -, for its simplicity in the updates, the reduction of TCO -the rapid software deployments cost less than complex, code-heavy systems, and the scalability which they have, since thanks to it it can be extrapolated to all areas.
Furthermore, with the no-code back-office applications can be created, such as invoice processing and KPI tracking; web apps such as online purchases and service reservations; also a platform for workflow management, such as establishing internal service level agreements for employees to recognize the completion of a task; or perform business process automation functions such as document approval by multiple people.
The future of no-code development is promising because the demand from business professionals exceeds the capacity of IT departments.
The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated this gap as IT helpdesks struggle to support remote workforces.
In this way, Gartner predicts that 65% of application development will be carried out with low-code by 2024 and that “citizen developers” will outnumber enterprise developers by at least four times by 2023.
However, the exact size and trajectory of strictly no-code applications remains complex. This is because the market delineation between low code and zero code remains fluid.
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