January always arrives like a jug of ice water. After weeks of parties, congratulations, large meals and messes, returning to normal feels like a punishment. How aggressive the awakenings have been this week! How many of you have wanted to linger for a little more hour? Going back to school and work email becomes an insatiable monster, but, although it’s hard for me to admit it too, Routine is more than necessary for peace of mind.
Many studies talk about the benefits of routines for our health. For example, according to the American Psychological Association, Those who follow regular habits suffer less from stress and anxiety because our brain loves to be prepared. It seems silly, but making coffee at the same time or leaving on the dot every morning to catch the bus to work gives us emotional stability.
In the ‘children’s world’ all this is even more essential. If you are a parent you know what I’m talking about. According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, Children who follow regular schedules for sleeping, eating and studying concentrate better and have fewer behavioral problems. So, although it may be difficult for you to get them out of the sheets on these frigid January mornings, in the long term you are giving them balance and security.
In routine we find something that the holidays don’t give us: a feeling of control. And it is appreciated. Returning to work is exhausting, but it focuses us on our goals. And if you feel like routine is crushing you, remember that it also sustains you. Small habits, sometimes boring, are the backbone of our well-being: preparing our backpack at night and planning weekly meals organizes us, gives us calm and purpose. After all, in the midst of chaos there is no better therapy than what is planned. l
#peace #routine #Opinion #David #Moreno