It’s when I leave the path when I find more interesting destinations. I remember a visit to Venice at the end of the year, it was just before the pandemic, just a few months before confinement was decreed.
Following the advice of an Italian we visited a completely deserted, beautiful Venice, with magical corners and unforgettable experiences. But suddenly we ended up in a flood of tourists walking in the same direction. The street was completely collapsed, as if it were a Tokyo subway at rush hour.
We returned to our little house on wheels to rest and prepare to welcome the new year in St. Mark’s Square watching the fireworks. More than forty thousand people gathered there, which gave us an idea of how lucky we had been in our visit to that secret and solitary Venice.
Yes, we get out of the way of the guides, of the instagrammable photosfrom the advice of travel influencers and we discovered a magical and lonely Venice. Well, something like that happens with the path of life.
Are you in the proper path? Is it the path you should take?
Some people have a marked path from which they dare not leave. People who follow a path believing that it leads them somewhere, believing that it will take them where they want to go, follow a path without wondering if there is another path.
Throughout the childhood We are configuring a vision of the world based on the inputs we receive, but… Is it accurate? Is it limiting us or driving us? Is it helping us or harming us?
I just spoke with a person who was walking a path that led nowhere, but he believed he couldn’t walk any other paths. She didn’t know herself, she thought she knew herself but in reality she had an image of herself formed from input from other people, fragments of books and assumptions created from the sentences given by her parents, grandparents, teachers, more or less bitter, more or less correct.
“Don’t be afraid to explore, to venture into new destinations, to get off the path everyone else is on”
Tomas Navarro
You think you know what you are like from what other people reflect, but we forget that this reflection is not a clean reflection. This distorted reflection reminds us of the mirrors in the hall of horrors at typical summer fairs. Each mirror It deforms the image depending on its shape and in the same way, each person gives us an image back loaded with their fears and desires, with their ghosts and traumas, with their frustrations and their longings.
There is only one thing worse than not knowing… Thinking you know but in reality you have wrong information. It’s about knowing what your path is, the one you must follow, the one you must explore. What’s more, often there is no path and we have to create it ourselves.
Don’t be afraid of exploreto enter new destinations, to get off the path that everyone else is on.
Each person has their destinationcarries his backpack and has its own shoes. It’s about adapting your path to your needs, dreams and priorities and, if it doesn’t exist, then you start creating it yourself, exploring, searching, with an open mind, receptive to everything that life can give you.
Do you want to be happy? Well, explore, search and enjoy the road.
You can discover other tips from Tomás Navarro (@tomasnavarropsi on Instagram) to set limits on those people who harm us in their work’Your red lines (Zenith/Planet). And also, you can read other articles by Tomás Navarro in ABC Bienestar here.
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