Mathematicians will say that it is a matter of probability. But if you like to play Christmas lotteryyou already know that luck has a lot to say. And who knows if luck is written in the stars? We give you some tips to play the lottery according to your horoscopeas well as the day and lucky number that corresponds to your zodiac sign. Perhaps with this information and the help of our locator you will find the number you should buy.
Enthusiastic and impatient, your thing is not to spend hours calculating probabilities but to follow your hunches and bet. Taking into account that your day of the week is Tuesday, buying your tenth on that day may help you win the ‘El Gordo’.
Lucky number: 5
Some consider you persistent, others stubborn. You have the patience to wait for the stars to align. Your day of the week is Friday.
Lucky number: 12
Two personalities coexist in you: someone who is adventurous and wants to do anything; and someone thoughtful and indecisive when making decisions. Since its day of the week is Wednesday, that may be your ideal day to buy the Christmas Lottery.
Lucky number: 3
Sentimental, friend of your friends and family above all. You like to work hard and sleep peacefully. Your favorite day is Monday because that’s when everything starts.
Lucky number: 2
Cheerful, determined and generous, you don’t like to take half measures. Ambition and leadership are part of your nature, and you don’t mind persevering until you achieve your goal. Your day of the week is Sunday.
Lucky number: 9
Some call it shyness; You consider it education. You like to do things well, and without fanfare, organization and details are your qualities. Your day of the week is Thursday, your lucky day.
Lucky number: 17
Sometimes it’s hard for you to decide, but you don’t want to close yourself off to opportunities. You do not like loneliness or conflict, and you seek harmony. Your day of the week is Friday, and nothing makes you more excited than being able to share a tenth of the Christmas Lottery with the people you love most.
Lucky number: 6
Nobody said being a Scorpio was comfortable. You expect a lot from life and you don’t like disappointments. Logic always moves you and you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Without a doubt, playing with low stakes is your way to test your luck. Your lucky day is Wednesday.
Lucky number: 8
The search for happiness is your motivation, you know how to take risks and you don’t mind trying to get what you want. Your day of the week is Thursday, so that’s when you should buy your tenth.
Lucky number: 4
Discipline and self-control define you. You have perseverance and ambition, an active mind and a great ability to concentrate. Saturday is your favorite day, when you always reserve some time to play the lottery and decide your plans.
Lucky number: 23
Although on the outside you may seem like a calm and distant person, an unstoppable energy boils within you that makes you fight for what you believe in. You don’t even rest on Sundays, which is your lucky day.
Lucky number: 0
Your intuitive and empathetic character makes you more attracted to the spiritual world than the material world. For you, money is a means, not an objective. Your day of the week is Thursday, the ideal time to buy a tenth.
Lucky number: 7
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