Although the indicators of childhood obesity In Spain they have improved compared to recent years, our children continue to suffer excessively from this form of malnutrition. Specifically, 16 percent of children are obese and 20 percent are overweight, which together makes it clear that more than a third are overweight. This is confirmed by the Aladino study on nutrition, physical activity, child development and obesity, presented this Thursday at the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030.
However, the percentages skyrocket when the situation of those children who belong to a social stratum where family income is lower is analyzed: half of the children from families with income less than 18,000 euros suffer from excess weight. Of all the parameters analyzed by the Aesan study that is part of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance (COSI) of the WHO and which has used a random sample of 12,678 schoolchildren from 296 public and private primary schools, family income is one of the main determinants that explain the existing weight gap.
Habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle or the quality of breakfast, differ greatly when the child lives under the protection of a family income that exceeds 30,000 euros than when the income They do not reach 18,000. To give an example, only one in ten high-income children is overweight, compared to one in four when the income is much lower.
Given this situation, the Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduy, has announced that sugary drinks will be banned in schools, and their canteens will have to offer a healthy meal every day of the week. «We are going to guarantee that the five meals that are eaten each week in schools and institutes respond to health and sustainability criteria. European Union”he has stated. Fresh fruit and vegetables will be offered at all meals, with the aim of turning dining rooms into “spaces to acquire healthy habits,” “and will also help combat inequality.” “Every child and adolescent has the right to healthy, quality food, regardless of their family’s resources or where they were born,” he declared.
He will do it through Royal Decree on Healthy and Sustainable School Canteens in which it is working from its Consumer responsibilities in collaboration with other ministries, such as Health, Agriculture and Youth and Children. The regulations are in their final stages and will see the light during this school year, as stated.
#Government #ban #sugary #drinks #schools