In Spain and Latin America the same language is spoken, although there may be some differences with each country. Whether because of the dialect or the way of expressing oneself, As time goes by, each place has its own words and ways of naming things, causing some misunderstandings. However, in the case of a influencer Mexican, his complaint has gone further.
Chirstian, as the young man is called, has shared a video through TikTok, very offended by discovering that it was the Spanish who gave the name to what is currently known as tortilla in their country. “I just found out now that we have been scammed all our lives.. “They have seen our stupid faces all this time,” he began to explain.
“Our tortilla is not called tortilla, wow. We know it that way because the Spanish bastards gave it this name because it reminded them of their dish.“, he highlighted, visibly angry. And, as he highlighted due to his discovery, his “hands were even shaking with fury.”
“It’s one thing for you to steal our gold and whatever you want, but for you to come and change the name of my dishes? Ah, that’s a lack of respect, you already pissed me off,” he said and then explained what it was called at the time. pre-columbian “Actually the original name is tlaxcalli. I mean, are you telling me that 99% of our food presentations are named after some bastard who says You to London and I to California to Twin Game?”, he highlighted.
“I can’t allow it. It gives me something, huh. There’s no way I’m going to say anything about this again. In other words, pure tlaxcalli now. Tlaxcalli fan. I’m going to get a tattoo: tlaxcalli defender. And we have to implement it: I’m going to get a kilo of tlaxcalli, does anyone want something?”, he continued to defend himself, very upset.
Thus, he ended with a clear message in favor of the “original name”: “The cradle of our most precious baby comes from some bastards who out of their balls said: ah, change the name. Pure tlaxcalli, I love tlaxcalli, you love the tlaxcalli. Vote for tlaxcalli. They can’t get away with it, damn mountain hams.”
The video already has almost three and a half million views and hundreds of comments, ensuring that they are “very outraged” by the news. “What courage” or “I’m going to use it from now on” have been some of the most outstanding messages.
#indignation #Mexican #tiktoker #discovering #Spanish #origin #word #tortilla