Nostradamus has left an indelible mark on the history of clairvoyance thanks to his famous prophecies compiled in the book ‘Les Prophéties’. The figure of this 16th century French apothecary has always generated great controversy, but there is no doubt that his legacy persists today in popular culture, inspiring the work of others. youths clairvoyants.
In this way, in recent years new figures also dedicated to the world of prophecies have emerged. one of them is Abhigya Anand, an 18-year-old Indian boy who is considered a prodigy of vedic astrologya traditional Indian system more than 5,000 years old that studies the correlation between the being and the central Sun of the galaxy, in addition to the energies of ancient incarnations.
Abhigya Anand became internationally known after allegedly predicting the Covid-19 pandemic. And the young man rose to fame thanks to different videos in which he spoke about future events, warning about a “major global problem” that would impact humanity, which many interpreted as a reference to the pandemic.
Although his claims have been the subject of debate, the young Indian has attracted a significant audience on platforms such as YouTubewhere he shares astrological analysis and predictions and has already accumulated more than a million followers.
Among Anand’s best-known predictions are, in addition to the covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine or, more recently, the Taiwan earthquake in April of this year. “A large earthquake could affect areas around the Pacific ring before April 2024, and Taiwan must be careful…” he noted in a video.
The ‘Indian Nostradamus’ predictions for 2025
The prophecies of this ‘Indian Nostradamus’ generate both followers and critics, who question the accuracy of his methods and they attribute their successes to ambiguity and mere chance.
However, there are many who closely follow the new prophecies of this young Indian about the future of humanity. A few months ago, Anand posted a video with some predictions for this year and next, 2025.
In the video, Anand warns of different international conflicts. In this sense, he points out, for example, that “the relationships between China and Pakistan “They are going to experience complications in the middle of 2025.”
Furthermore, the young man predicts that Africa will suffer violence in some regions, although to a lesser extent than in 2024. As for Europegoes further and anticipates that its economic power will decrease in the next 20 years, compared to the growth of other powers such as China and India.
Anand also predicts in the video a greater number of adverse weather events. Specifically, it mentions possible prolonged droughts in Africa and Latin America and floods in Asia.
In an economic sense, the young Indian is also pessimistic, since he assures that there will be a economic recession in 2025. According to Vedic astrology, this crisis will globally affect the entire planet.
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