The important thing is not that the PP can or cannot play with the marked cards, but that judges who investigate matters related to members of the PSOE, the Government or their families may be in collusion with the right in order to overthrow the executive. Pedro Sánchez has not expressly said the latter, but there are many Spaniards who suspect it. And for a long time.
The atrabiliary paths that some of these cases follow – the last occurrence of Judge Peinado, the one who investigates the president’s wife, that of identifying all the workers and advisors of La Moncloa borders on the grotesque -, the persistent persecution without results that marks others, or the lack of argumentative and evidentiary basis for matters such as the one involving the president’s brother, draw particular attention. Some prestigious legal experts believe that all these cases – except the one involving José Luis Ábalos – will end in nothing.
#Pedro #Sánchez #power #judges