The gold of a sunset, the dark blue of the deep sea, the palette of browns left by the leaves of the trees in autumn or the red skin of a ripe apple show that color is not simply a visual experience. Rather, color is rich in psychological meaning that can influence our emotions, behaviors, and perceptions. Those who know the principles of color psychology They can use that knowledge to improve marketing, your emotions or dress in a certain way to show something to the world, among others.
Colors can have a marked influence on our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. For example, colors like red and orange are often associated with energy, passion and emotionwhile cool colors such as blue and green evoke feelings of calm and tranquility.
That may explain why fast food companies often use shades of red and yellow in their logos and marketing materials; These colors are known to be more stimulating and hunger-inducing than their cool-toned counterparts.
Following these examples, if we want to appear happy we would not resort to the color black, just as if we are calm, bright colors such as orange or bright yellow are not usually our choice, rather we will feel more comfortable with pastel tones, green, blue or white. Likewise, we associate red with powerful campaigns, danger, alerts… so it will not be the color chosen if we seek to show tranquility.
Psychologist Lara Ferreiro knows the psychology of color well: «When it comes to color, especially in marketing, 93% of people are going to buy a product looking at it. There is even talk that the subconscious already knows in a few seconds if it is going to buy it based on whether or not it likes the color. Likewise, the clothes we wear on most occasions define how we feel at that moment.
The meaning of colors
Depending on who sees them and where they come from, colors can have wildly different symbolic and psychological meanings. As such, no chart color psychology You can summarize all the colors and their innumerable meanings around the world, but you can make an approximation and define the most common given that there will be those who are calmed by a bright color.
– Red: passion, energy, danger and urgency. Lara Ferreiro indicates that this color is “one of my favorites because it represents heat, flame or strength, and is associated with people with a lot of stimulation and courage.”
– Blue: calm, confidence and tranquility. The psychologist points out that it is the color of stability, trust and security, “it can also convey coldness or remoteness, so if one day you feel that way, you could dress in that color.”
– Green: growth, harmony and nature, as well as money and prosperity. This color, as Lara Ferreiro says, is associated with “eco-friendly” people and if you wear it you will transmit harmony and peace.
– White: purity, cleanliness and simplicity. “This color also defines people who are easily overwhelmed and who need spaciousness,” says the professional.
– Black: power, sophistication and mystery. Of course, if worn at all times, it can give the impression of someone who is sad, depressed, cold and lonely.
– Orange: enthusiasm, warmth and creativity. It is usually used by very warm people with a challenging edge, who like challenges. They are people who need a lot of stimulation
– Yellow: happiness, energy, optimism and positivity. There are very superstitious people who do not wear yellow because they sense that it brings bad luck.
– Pink: romance, affection and femininity. “This color is also associated with childish or immature people, and big brands like Barbie know which audience to impress with this color,” says Lara Ferreiro.
– Purple: luxury, spirituality and creativity. It is also associated with feminine concepts, just like pink.
«In consultation I can not only get an idea of ​​a person by the color of the clothes they wear, but also by their appearance. Sometimes people have come who always wear black, but if you add to that that they have dirty hair, unwashed clothes and an unfriendly face, I can detect that they have a depressive state. That’s why you have to pay attention not only to the color, but also to how you wear it and the appearance in general,” warns Lara Ferreiro.
If among all the black there are points of color, we would be talking, in this case, of someone who understands fashion and has his own touch of glamor and sophistication. To do a judgment test you have to analyze a much broader concept.
#Color #psychology #favorite #Ill #personality