Christmas is coming and it is common concentration of people in the main shopping streets to shop for gifts, celebrations or see the characteristic lighting of this time of year. It is an influx that also occurs in shopping centers or large stores, restaurants, supermarkets and at all types of sporting or cultural events, such as concerts or festivals, which take place throughout the year. AND,How to know with certainty if the capacity is full or people who come and go?
The technology company Libelium has developed a comprehensive large event management solutionwhich allows measure in real time various variables such as the influx of people or emissions. It is a system that, although it has been tested at festivals such as Starlite Occident, can be adapt for crowd control in busy areas such as tourist areas or commercial spaces, among others.
In addition, this application has the advantage of making it easier to carry out adjustments at any time according to the data in areas of the specific facility that is being monitored, such as bars or bathrooms, among other options.
It is information that can be used to organize upcoming events or activities to earn money. security and delve into sustainability because it is also possible to measure the emissions that are generated.
It also improves the audience experience because the organization of a festival or event can modify aspects such as the distribution of the stages, the location of food stalls and bathrooms or the assignment of people safely.
In order to analyze this and other possible data, the Libelium solution is based on a anonymized tracking of bluetooth signals. In this way, it is possible, with the analysis of the influx of people, to make decisions based on data on aspects such as logistics and organization.
European project
This Libelium solution has already been tested in the Starlite Occident festival. The specific solution for the festival focused on the installation of smart devices in various points of the festival site that, through IoTtransmitted the data to the platform for visualization and analysis to take decisions in real time or a posteriori.
In this case, the organization was able to iidentify attendance peakswhich coincided above all with the start of the concerts, apart from using the transitions between key areas efficiently, minimizing crowds and bottlenecks.
It was also possible to carry out real-time operational adjustments in critical areas such as bars, entrances and toiletsThe information obtained has in turn allowed them, based on precise data taken in real time that accumulates in history, to make decisions on the fly or make changes for future editions.
This initiative has been carried out within the framework of the European project TUR-Experiencebetween the technology company Libelium and the Starlite Group, and in the Last Mile call, from SEGITTUR, aimed at the digitalization of tourism SMEs.
In this context, it has created a platform for comprehensive event management using IoT technologywhich has allowed Starlite Occident to personalize and optimize the attendee experience with the data obtained by the solution in real time and its analysis.
The organization measured and integrated into its app the information related to the flows of people, the influx exceeded 350,000 attendees, the quality of the air and the availability of parking spaces.
#Libelium #develops #solution #control #flows #people #measure #emissions