Almeida awarded advice on racism to the lawyer convicted of discriminating against a Muslim employee

The law firm of Pedro Muñoz Lorite, an ultra activist who has been convicted of discriminating against a Muslim employee, has enjoyed a second concession from the Madrid City Council since 2021, in this case for municipal legal advice on immigration matters and in response to alleged cases. of racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia. The council of José Luis Martínez-Almeida (PP) has just renewed the granting of another award for LaBE lawyers, in this case for legal advice to people without resources who cannot afford a lawyer.

The Madrid City Council has a free information and legal advice service specialized in matters of immigration and cases of racism and intolerance. The group it is aimed at, according to the Social Services Area, are “immigrants.”

This second contract reported today by was formalized on June 1, 2021 for a period of 12 months and stipulates that it can be extended up to three more years, June 2025. The contract amounts to 179,615.64 euros per year. Municipal sources assure that there is now no tender underway and that the contract has been extended and is still valid.

The contract was put out to tender in August 2020 and then the Bar Association, which had been providing the service, was excluded for submitting its offer 12 minutes late. The appeal before the Contractual Appeals Court was rejected, so it was finally awarded to LaBE as the only admitted bidder.

In April of this year, a Social Court convicted Pedro Muñoz Lorite for the comments he made to his employee Rabea M. M, of Moroccan origin, born in Ceuta and with Spanish nationality. The ruling of the Social Court number 15 of Madrid declared Rabea’s dismissal null and void “due to violation of the fundamental right to Equality and Effective Judicial Protection in its Indemnity aspect” and ordered Law Business Enterprises Worldwid (LaBE) to compensate the moral damages caused with 20,000 euros.

The cited ruling includes several messages that Muñoz Lorite dedicated to his employee. On August 23, he wrote him an email: “It is the same to be a shitty Moor, a bastard, a dog, a thief, a thief who wants to charge more even though his fucking professional responsibility is the same in my company, as it is to save my ass.” company with a specific town hall (…)”. On July 12, the sentence became final when the judge confirmed in an order that none of the parties had filed an appeal within the established period.

The award obtained by LaBE in June 2021 means that the Madrid City Council makes the office of Muñoz Lorite available to migrants without resources to advise them on issues of racism and xenophobia, the right to asylum, visa, nationality and expulsion. or social roots, among other matters.

In another message dedicated to his employee, Muñoz Lorite wrote: “I don’t care if you work with me or for some ayatollah on Paseo de La Castellana, as long as you do your job when you get home, you can pray to Satan or to Buddha, honestly, I don’t give a damn about anyone who respects (sic) obeisance in an internal forum, I only consider it a small mental illness that will end on the day of your death (…)”.

When revealed the conviction of the ultra lawyer, it accompanied its information with the fact that the office he manages enjoyed the concession of the Legal Guidance Service (SOJ) of the Madrid City Council and that the public contract granted these services an “estimated value ” of 1,367,398.00 euros annually. The Madrid council reported that the award had just been renewed and that it was in the “formalization” phase.

The second contract to which this information alludes specializes in the aforementioned matters, discrimination based on race or sexual orientation, mainly, and is provided in the social services centers of the Madrid City Council. Asked about this award, a spokesperson for the City Council has indicated that it is the Public Sector Contracts Law that establishes the prohibition cases for contracting with public administrations and that in the documentation presented by LaBE to participate in the contract tender “there are “negative statements regarding these reasons for exclusion.”

On the occasion of the first information, authorized sources from José Luis Almeida’s team assured that the renewal of the Legal Guidance Service, the first contract, responded to the criteria of “technical personnel based on objective and subjective criteria.” “Regarding the subjective part, it refers to aspects included in the project presented and, in no case, to other circumstances unrelated to that proposal,” adds the municipal spokesperson in reference to the conviction of the successful bidder Muñoz Lorite. The same sources assure that with this second contract for advice against racism the same criteria have been applied.

From the opposition, Más Madrid reacted by demanding the termination “as soon as possible” of the contract with the office of Pedro Muñoz Lorite. “The Legal Guidance Service, which costs us 1,367,398 euros, cannot be in the hands of an ultra that does not respect human rights,” said Rita Maestre upon learning of the sentence for violation of fundamental rights against Muñoz Lorite and LaBE.

Muñoz Lorite represented Clean Hands in the past in several lawsuits against left-wing politicians, such as Manuela Carmena, Pablo Iglesias, Íñigo Errejón and Juan Carlos Monedero, and has a YouTube channel where he uploads ideological content, such as a fictitious interview with the dictator. deceased Francisco Francisco. has consulted LaBE lawyers about this second award by the council, but neither Muñoz Lorite nor the firm have responded.

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