Blizzard Entertainment has released a new animated short called Alleria: Light and Shadowset in the world of World of Warcraft. In particular, the content is linked to the arrival of the new maxi expansion of the historic MMORPG, called The War Within.
To give you a little background on the character, Alleria Windrunner was about to become the Ranger General of Silvermoon. Unfortunately, a series of misfortunes – an enemy invasion, a family tragedy of immense proportions, and the threat of an endless war – have led her to abandon her family and turn her back on her duties to go and face unknown enemies on the other side of the universe.
The short film
The animated short is precisely an introduction to Alleria’s life and her choices.. It also shows off the character transformation that “gamers will see in World of Warcraft’s tenth expansion, The War Within, coming worldwide on August 27.”
As always in these cases, the quality of the video is really very high, so much so that it would make you want to see a complete animated series made in the same way. Who knows if one day we will be granted our wish.
World of Warcraft, WoW for friends, was originally released in 2004 (2005 in Europe). Who knows if anyone at the time realized that twenty years later we would still be playing it. Of course, it is set in the universe of the Warcraft strategy series, the latter frozen precisely by the success of WoW.
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