Although the three who debated last night call themselves winners, Santiago Taboada has two virtual accolades (the second very, very tough) that make him the winner on June 2.
The first must thank President López Obrador, who last Wednesday did his best to subtract votes from Clara Brugada by once again going against the middle class, knowing that this sector supported him in 2018 but, disappointed, in 2021 he voted for the opposition in nine of the 16 mayoralties.
One of the ducky “journalists” working in the mornings asked him:
–Why do you give so much importance, sir, to media outlets that, although they claim to be national, are not and do not write about issues of interest to the people of the province, sir…?
AMLO responded:
“Yes, but you know what? Lately – because it wasn’t like that – people in Mexico City have been becoming more conservative (…). The people of Iztapalapa brought me forward when, well, I can’t talk about that (…). But with the neoliberal policy they took over the universities (…). And this city, so supportive, so fraternal, so progressive, also has the problem that this is where the most important means of manipulation in the country are concentrated (…). And it also turns out that this is where there is more middle class (…). There are sectors – because it is not about saying ‘the entire middle class’ – there are sectors of the middle class that are very conservative and aspirational. And here is also the headquarters of the fifís (…). So, people here – I always talk about how men and women are products of circumstances – here moved a lot to the right during the neoliberal period. The universities, the UNAM, incredible (…). You ask me: ‘Why do you dedicate so much or so much time to talking about the media here and not the media in the states?’, ah, because this is where the issue is and where people are more subjected to strong manipulation campaigns (…). Once they did a survey on the president’s approval, and it turns out that one of the places where I have the least approval is Mexico City, I am almost in last place – I don’t fail, I have the most approval.”
That same day, the Water System of the capital government showed the turbidity with which the administration is conducted:
Regarding the toxic water in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office (which Taboada governed for two consecutive three-year terms), Martí Batres accepted (late, by the way) that the analyzes detected “oils and lubricants.” However, faithful to the paranoid seal of Cuatroteismo, he asked the CdMx Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the probability of “sabotage” and ended the nonsense of hiding for three years (which can increase to five) the information about what contaminated (and where the water came from in a dozen neighborhoods to the detriment of tens of thousands of people.
Aggrieved by the ruling party, I cannot imagine the middle class of the capital being enthusiastic about voting for Clara Brugada.
More from the same author:
#AMLO #resigned #losing #capital