After Milan, Rome, Genoa and Pescara, the national campaign in stages ‘Your point of view matters – don’t let maculopathy stop you’ will start again from Potenza on 11 May to continue along the South, to raise awareness of maculopathy, in particular wet age-related macular degeneration (nAmd) and diabetic macular edema (Dme) to surface the unmet needs of patients and caregivers, including maintaining an active social and working life, to improve quality of life of those living with the disease.
Presented in Milan in 2023 and promoted by Roche Italia with the patronage of the Ocular Disease Patients Association (Apmo), Macula, Retina Italia Odv Committee and Italian Society of Ophthalmological Sciences (Siso), the campaign inaugurated today in Potenza – we read in a note – provides for 2024, in addition to moments of information through press conferences, free vision screening for over 50s. In the previous stages, thanks to first-level eye examinations which include a precise scan of the retina through optical coherence tomography (Oct ), approximately 1,200 people were reached, identifying the need for further in-depth visits in 28%.
Maculopathies are eye diseases that affect the area located in the center of the retina, i.e. maculasis, and are characterized by the growth of new abnormal blood vessels under the retina and the accumulation of fluids. The most widespread are age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema, which mainly affect people over 50, the most representative age group of the Italian population with a full social and often working life. “Maculopathies trace a challenging path in the lives of those who face them – explains Francesco Bandello, director of the Ophthalmology unit of the Irccs San Raffaele hospital in Milan and president of Apmo – They are pathologies that profoundly influence the psychological well-being not only of the patient, but also of those close to him: family, friends and caregivers. nAmd mainly affects people over 60 and compromises their autonomy in everyday life, both in continuing to maintain an active life and in managing therapy, imposing the need for constant support. At the same time, Dme, associated with diabetes and not age, can also affect younger people who often suddenly find themselves unable to work. Faced with this, timely and adequate patient care becomes essential.”
Today, the main treatment for maculopathies involves the use of inhibitors of Vegf (vascular endothelial growth factor), a protein that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. In most patients, administered through intravitreal injections, they can improve vision if the diagnosis is early, the treatment is timely and carried out in regular cycles over time. Despite the positive impact of the therapy, there are still several problems related to the frequent administration of these treatments and, ultimately, to the long-term effectiveness after their suspension.
“Currently scientific research has made innovative treatments available with new mechanisms of action that last longer over time and are effective, but which require consistency in administration – underlines Teresio Avitabile, president of Siso – In order to guarantee a better quality of life , it is necessary to support the patient in correctly following the treatment plan. The campaign aims to shed light on two important aspects: firstly, the fundamental role of prevention in preserving people’s vision; secondly, to dispel fear; linked to maculopathies, these pathologies should no longer be scary”,
The symptoms of maculopathies can appear after a long time, sometimes when the pathology is in an advanced stage. This is why prevention and early diagnosis become a fundamental element, as does information. “Today the level of information and knowledge of maculopathies is still inadequate, despite their diffusion – comments Massimo Ligustro, president of the Macula Committee – What emerges is a strong lack of information on therapeutic paths and on the daily difficulties that prevent patients from taking care of themselves. Involving the population and spreading broader awareness about these issues and the implications they may present in the long term, represent the necessary tools to guarantee effective and long-lasting prevention”. Adds Assia Andrao, president of Retina Italia OdV: “For years our associations have been operating throughout the national territory, dedicating themselves with commitment to promoting correct information and encouraging more widespread preventive practices. We believe it is important to promote a synergistic collaboration that involves not only professional clinicians, but also patient associations and competent institutions to improve the patient’s path while offering – he concludes – adequate support also to their families”.
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