The Ghouls is the protagonist of the new video diary Of Fallout, the television series produced by Amazon and based on the famous Bethesda video game series. What was it like for Walton Goggins to step into the shoes of this controversial character?
Capable of causing a boom in active players on Steam on various chapters of Fallout, the show available on the Prime Video platform tells the story of three different protagonists and the Ghoul is indeed one of them.
In the video we see Goggins struggling with the inevitable make-up sessions to transform into the mutant bounty hunter, or while talking about the character and what an experience it was to play him. There is no shortage of comments from the other actors in the series either.
A great transposition
In light of its great success, both with critics and with the public, Fallout seems to have given rise to a new spring of video game adaptations, relatively soon after another project of great importance, namely the television series The Last of Us.
The writers of the Amazon show, Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet, seem to have proven once again that stay faithful to the original material it's a choice that pays off.
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