Alan Castillo, popularly known as Robotín, is an endearing character who has conquered the hearts of adults and children in Peru. However, behind his funny performance and his characteristic lead-colored suit, hides a story of struggle and overcoming an illness without a cure that has been with him for several years. Next, he knows how old this artist is and what is the battle he now faces in relation to his delicate state of health.
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What disease without a cure does Robotín suffer from?
Behind his smile hides a constant struggle with diabetes, a disease with no cure that can cause a series of complications if not properly controlled.
In exclusive interview with The RepublicRobotín also revealed that he suffers from a severe testicular infection due to his diabetic condition, which has prevented him from walking and forced him to take a break from his performances.
“I have had diabetes since 2017… I overdid it in recent years and now I am paying the price… When my worries increase and glucose rises, it causes one to decline emotionally and the body perceives it. It is a bit complicated because the liver and kidney deteriorate, since some foods do not pass through and reflux begins,” he said at the beginning.
“What I fear most is that the disease attacks some organ, such as my eyesight or that I lose my leg,” said Robotín about his fear of this disease. Furthermore, the artist spoke about whether his television friends have helped him: “None of them have contacted me… They have left me unseen. What did surprise me is that my ex-lover, Karelys (Molina), wrote to me. I was worried about my situation and now we have established a little friendship.
However, the artist made known his enthusiasm for pursuing treatment for his illness. “I am at an age where I can still prevent many things and keep up to date with what the doctor tells me,” Alan Castillo told La República.
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How old is Robotín?
Robotín, who is 39 years old, He has earned the affection of the Peruvian public thanks to his performances on the streets and in various television programs.
What does Robotín think of the criticism for not saving for his illness?
Robotin He spoke out in the face of public criticism for not having saved during his heyday as an artist. “People are critical, they always point out and bury those who don't save a loaf of bread for May. We all deserve another chance and no one knows about anyone. Sometimes, you can't even save for debts, for children, for school , for the rent of the apartment, for the food. People criticize without knowing what is behind it,” he commented.