The animated series of Yu-Gi-Oh! begins with the antagonist, Kaiba, searching for all copies of blue eyes White Dragon to make them his own and, unable to simply buy the protagonist's grandfather's possession card, he steals it. Something similar also happened in reality, when a man stole a rare version of Blue-Eyes White Dragon worth 4.98 million Yenor approximately 30,000 euros.
It happened in Japan, in a store called Fukufuku in Akihabara. The man inspected the shop, asked the staff to open a display case to give him the card with the excuse of wanting to inspect it better and then fled as soon as he had it in his hands.
Nearby there was a accomplice who was waiting for him in the car and who helped him escape. However, the police tracked them down and arrested them.
Who are the thieves of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
The police revealed that the thieves are two 22-year-old men, Sora Takashino and Kanta Sanmi.
Takashino admitted that he was the one who entered the store and stole the card, saying, “I did it for [avere soldi per] daily and entertainment expenses”.
Sanmi, however, only admitted to having driven the car, but said that “I didn't think that [Takashino] had stolen something” and, apparently, he would like investigators to believe that it is perfectly normal to see an acquaintance run at breakneck speed, get him into a car and drive away together without asking questions and without suspicion.
On the evening of the robbery, about three hours after the incident, the men say they sold the stolen Blue-Eyes White Dragon at another shop in Ikebukuro for one million yen. As mentioned, the card has a value almost five times greater, but let's assume that the couple wanted to get rid of the stolen goods and obtain cash as quickly as possible. It is not clear what happened to the card, nor whether the money raised from the sale has already been spent or not.
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