Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusionment is a manga work written and illustrated by Masakazu Ishiguro. The delivery has a narrative resemblance to Attack on Titan, is proposed with extraordinary potential. It was animated by Production IG and I'll tell you why it can't go unnoticed.
Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusionment sounded again on the networks because it obtained mentions on the different anime pages, that continue to recognize the best of 2023. From the beginning, the Sci-Fi and adventure series attracted attention, however, this could be limited by two things.
The first, distribution in Latin America, and on the other hand, the slow publication of the manga. Both slow down the story, which does not reach the audience with a precise rhythm. Despite this, I'll tell you why it is one of the titles worth checking out.
Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusion – Why you should watch it?
What is Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusion about?
Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusionment It is a very interesting installment that has several insinuations and distorted twists of reality that also become quite symbolic. The unexpected secrets, emotions, and canvas of the world can make our heads explode, or at least that's what they promise.
The story of Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusionment shows us a world divided in two. And yes, in a quite symbolic and poetic way, spaces such as heaven and hell will be referred to. In this way, we will also have a couple of characters who will be the key that will unite the worlds by destiny and from the origins.
On the one hand we have Maru, and on the other Tokyo, it seems that they are twin brothers or at least they have a deep and blood bond. Whether they are related or are some kind of doubles. Each one has lived in a place. Maru in hell and Tokyo in heaven.
Hell is a space full of monsters that look terrifying and, of course, destroy everything in their path in a post-apocalyptic world. People have managed to live there in some way and now, the new generation that was born in this universe deals with the opportunities it has. At the end of the day, people have adapted and managed to overcome what the world has to offer, and this is from monsters and inhospitable places to crime and abuse of places that have very small populations or vandals in marginalized areas.
As Maru begins a mission to find heaven, we realize that this other space, where there is fresh food and even education, is walled off.. The people inside are really privileged and have a school with young people who, in addition to being intelligent, have very finicky intuition. In this clean space with technology and happiness, Tokyo lights up.
One day the young man finally wonders what is outside the walls that protect him, he is urged to do so by Mimihime, a companion who has perception beyond what he could imagine.
The truth is not “hidden”, they will tell you what is outside the walls: the terrible things about the world. However, the wheel of fortune begins to run and Tokyo hears a call: it must go outside; while on her part, Mimihime knows that a couple of young people will reach the gates of heaven and come for them, they will reveal something important to them. What will happen after that?
Maru continues his journey through hell – which yes, points to a kind of purgatory journey – accompanied by his bodyguard: Kiruko.
The boys have fun while trying to reach the mythical place they must, and of course they travel through another space that is difficult to believe is true. The conjunction of the worlds of the protagonists predicts a moment that would barely reveal the light of truth..
The most interesting thing is that a canvas is proposed that has to advance simultaneously and that allows us to know not only both worlds but also how different the protagonists are, from what they know to how they have been formed due to the world in which they live. Besidesheaven is not without a twisted touch and hellin its dangerous nature, will let us see the lowest points of society.
Thus, Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusionment maintains a narrative that is divided into two parts and that shows us the chiaroscuros of people and their circumstances. Due to its fantasy and dark punctuation, the anime became one of the most shocking installments of the season. It is unfortunate that it has few chapters of both manga and anime.
Despite this, the promising story is already compared to The Promised Neverland and with Attack on Titanbut a quick glance is enough to realize that the delivery is very original and that it will give us some surprises.
Where can I watch Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Desilusion?
Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusion It is a work whose distribution license was in charge of Disney Plusdue to this same thing, the popularity of the delivery was a little more closed.
It was released in the spring of 2023, but was positioned as one of the best titles of the year. Even now, fans are waiting for news of a second season, especially since the first has been an interesting narrative boom that left many loose ends. The mystery is in order!
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How many episodes does the first season of Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Desilusion have?
The first season of Tengoku-Daimakyo: Heavenly Disillusion got thirteen episodes. It should be noted that its manga installment began publishing on January 25, 2018 and is still in serialization, after several pauses.
It currently has 61 chapters compiled in 10 manga volumes, which does not look good for the production of a new installment, at least not soon. The story belongs to Kodansha and its publishing label Afternoon KC is publishing it.
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